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Jace Herondale stared disgustingly at the blonde warlock leaving his and Clary's bedroom as he sat on the bed with his pale green joggers on.

I did it because I had to. Jace reassured himself but the guilt stuck itself in his chest.

"I had to save m-" Jace started but was quickly cut off by the institute shaking.

The last Herondale ran to the door of the bed room and snatched it open. Izzy, Magnus, and Alec were running down the hall.

"Hey! Alec, What's happening!?" Jace asked.

"Someone is opening a portal in Clary's old room!" He yelled and continued to run down the hall.

Jace run back into the room and searched frantically for his serepah blade. After a couple of minutes he found it and ran out of the room and sped down the hallway.

When he reached Clary's old room he looked confusedly at his siblings and Magnus crying.

"Guys, what's wrong?" Jace asked.

Magnus whipped his head at the Herondale, glittery mascara running down his cheeks.

"You asshole! I hate you!" Isabelle Lightwood yelled, pushing at Jace's chest and attempting to attack him but was held back by her elder brother. Isabelle pushed her brother away and stomped out of the room, a waterfall of tears streaming down her face.

Magnus stalked up to Jace and stared him right into his anmber eyes.

"I am ashamed to be in the presence of someone as horrible as you!" Magnus spat before following Izzy's lead and leaving.

The eldest Lightwood walked slowly towards his parabatai sadly. He pressed a small envelope on Jace's bare chest with his head down.

"Alec?" Jace asked holding the envelope to his chest.

Alec raised his head and looked into his parabatai's eyes "Why'd you do it, man?"

Jace looked at the Lightwood confused. Lowering his head Alec walked out of the room following after his sister and boyfriend.

Sitting down on the bed he opened the envelope and his nostrils immediately were filled with Clary's familar scent of cherry blossom.

Pulling it out, the last Herondale's amber eyes scanned the small paper several times before he crumbled it up and threw it at the wall.

Jace let out a growl of anger and pain, as he yanked at his hair.

And for the first time in what seemed like forever, Jace Herondale cried as he slid down the wall dropping to the floor.

As angry sad tears ran down his face he replayed the words over and over in his head that he had memorized until it was simply a song playing in his head.

I saw you.
Now I'm gone.

-Clarissa 💋

"I'm so sorry..."Jace choked out before he continued to sob again until he was out of tears, with one thought on his mind.

The love of my life is gone...

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