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||3rd Person Point Of View...||
||The Next Day...||

"I'm really worried about her." Jace whispered to his parabatai.

"I know. She's not grieving, she's planning." Alec agreed, staring at Clary who was currently yelling in her phone at the florist.

"Maybe it's her way of coping?" Isabelle suggested, standing just behind them.

"I don't if it's healthy." Jace continued whispering, setting down a cup of apple juice in front of his son who had macaroni sauce on his face and hands.

"Guys, just leave her alone. I've seen this many times before, she'll let it all go eventually. Probably at the funeral." Magnus interrupted, playing with Max and Raphael with a his magic.

Jace nodded, looking at Clary for another moment before looking to his son "Come on, buddy. Let's wash your hands."

Will laughed as Jace picked him up, rubbing his dirty hands together to make them more sticky. They walk out of the room to the bathroom, Jace swinging him around making rocket noises with his mouth. Jace turned on the sink and helped William wash his hands. After they were done, Jace helped him dry his hands.

"Daddy?" William asked, making Jace smile. It made Jace happy to be called Williams father.


"I'm scared."

"What are you scared of?"

"I'm scared of Sebastian. I'm scared of what he'll do to mommy."

Jace frowned, feeling as if he failed William. He never wanted his child to be scared of anyone or anything while he was there "You don't have to be scared. Not while I'm here."

Williams bottom lip started to tremble as tears cane to his eyes "You have to promise! Promise me that you'll protect mommy! You have to! Promise me, please!"

"I promise. I'll protect you and your mom. Nobody will ever hurt while I'm here." Jace declared, hugging his son close to his chest protectively.

▬▬▬ ▬▬▬

This is more of a teaser than it is a chapter but it's sweet and gives us a bit of that father son relationship I guess.
I apologize.
SATs got me fucked up and my mum and I are planning my birthday/graduation party that happens next month and it a whole bucket of shit right now.

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