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||Jace's Point of View...||

The recents events that I just witnessed had me beyond shocked, but all I cared about was my son and talking to Clary. I walk around her large in hopes of finding Clary and explaining myself to her and maybe ask a few questions of my own.

What the hell was Sebastian talking about? What does Clary have that Sebastian needs?

I snap out of my thought when I hear a lovely voice singing softly. I turn the corner to see a door with the initials of W.A.H.

William Alexander Herondale...

I open the door to see Clary huddle over a small bed with a sleeping Will. I stand there and watch for a moment getting more amazed by Clary by the second. Her once fiery hair was now long and silver, reaching all the way down her back. She seemed more confident in herself, with the way she carried herself.

"My sweet baby boy, I'm so sorry. I am supposed to protect you and I failed. I promise I'll do better." Clary spoke softly before laying a light lingering kiss on our sons head. With a sniffle, Clary turns around. I freeze when she looks at me with her beautiful emerald eyes, wide and and watery.

"H-Hi." I stutter. She sighs tiredly and attempts to walk past me, but I put an arm out, stopping her in her tracks.

"What do you want, Jace?" She questions softly, her head down refusing to look at me.

"I want to talk." I whisper, careful not to wake our sleeping son.

Clary looks up at me and her face and body language were drowning in obvious exhaustion. She pulls me by my arm away from Will's door before closing it. Clary jerks her head softly in the direction of the hall, indicating to follow her.

We walk in silence as we make our way through the silent halls, the only sound was the thump if our steps. Clary opens a large wooden door to reveal her art room, drawings of Will, New Orleans, and other things scattered everywhere. She continues to walk past her art towards another door. Pushing it open, it revealed stone steps going in a circular motion up to another door. We walk up the stairs silently with the occasional sniff from Clary. When we finally made it to the top she pushed open the doors to unvail the bright city of New Orleans at night.

"Talk." Clary said softly. I don't say anything for a minute, thinking of how to say what I wanted to say.

"I knew. You were pregnant, I mean." I said, still staring in awe at the city.


"A warlock. She had wanted me to betray you hoping you would go dark and help with a demon uprising. I said no. But I guess she took matter into her own hands, she told me you were pregnant and that she would kill the baby if I didn't do what she said." I explain, moving closer to her, until I was finally in front of her looking her deep in her emerald jewels.

"How? Why? I just don't understand?!" She exclaimed "Why would they need me for an demon uprising?"

"The warlock didn't say."

"Wait, if you knew I was pregnant why were you so shocked about Will." she questioned.

"I thought that you had lost the baby or else everyone would have been at the ceremony for the baby." I say looking down.

"I had the ceremony in secret with brother Jeremiah." she said softly.

"Oh" I said simply.

"While we're on the topic of secrets, I should tell you something."

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