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||One Week Later||

One week.

It's been one week since Jace saw Clary for the first time in five years. Their encounter was short but it was constantly playing through Jace's mind.

"Hello, darling. It's been awhile." Clary smirked.

Jace opened his mouth to say something. Anything. An apology. An 'I love you'. An 'You're the only one I'll ever love'. But none of that came out, no matter how much he wanted to scream it to the heavens while dropping to his knees for forgiveness. He just stood there with his mouth agape, staring at his former girlfriend.

Clary let out a noise between a scoff and a laugh "Close your mouth, babe. You'll catch flies."

Jace quickly closed his mouth, taking in the Fairchild's new appearance. Her choice in clothes had definitely changed. Dressed in all black, wore a turtle neck crop top that covered her entire arms, ripped jeans, and heeled ankle boots. Her once fiery red hair was now a gleaming silver. Her lips were painted a blood red.

Clarissa's physical appearance wasn't the only thing that changed about her Jace noticed. He could see the change in the way she carried herself with a new found confidence. The fire in her emerald eyes seemed to shine brighter with coldness, like she had built a wall and refused to let it be teared down.

"Well, this was a lovely encounter. But I got to get going. Tell Izzy I said hi." Clary spoke with a wink before strutting from the alleyway, leaving a shocked Jace in her wake.

Jace had immediately called Izzy and his parabatai. They were beyond shocked and said they-including Magnus and Simon-would be in New Orleans within a week after they got Mayrse to take over the institute for them. When they arrived, they didn't exactly greet Jace with warm hugs and smiles. They didn't hate Jace as much as they did after the incident but they didn't connect with him either. They all became distant and quieted when he entered the room, but they were polite nonetheless. Jace might've as well been shunned.

Now, they were all waiting in the lobby of the New Orleans institute hoping to find Clary there.

"Hello, Sorry to keep you waiting." A voice spoke. They all look towards the source of the voice to find a woman with brunette hair that was tied in a tight ponytail and sharp green eyes. She wore a black fitted dress that covered her arms and neck. She reminded them a lot of Maryse in the she dressed and carried herself.

"It's fine." Izzy smiled, taking the woman's hand and shaking it "I'm Isabelle Lightwood. And this is my fiancé. Simon Lovelace. Along, with brother Alec and Jace Herondale. And High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane." The group behind Isabelle waved.

"Marylyn Rosefair." She introduced "And this is my son, Cameron, and his best friend, Gabrielle."

The group look behind Marylyn to see a young man with jet black hair and sharp green eyes. Beside him, was a young woman with platinum hair and icy blue eyes. And both their eyes were set in glares on Jace. Unexplained hate already placed on Jace Herondale.

Jace cleared throat "We were wondering if you know or have seen Clarissa Fairchild."

"What if we have?" Gabrielle spat.

"Gabby! Don't be rude. Just tell them where they can find her." Marylyn scolded.

Cameron sighed and crossed his muscular arms "Rousseau's."

"And that's all we're going to say." They finished together before strutting out of the room.

"Alright. That's good. We can go from there." Simon encouraged "Thank you for the help we'll be going now."

Then they all left with hope in their hearts.

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I know this is pretty trash. I rushed it and I had like 3 missing assignments I had to finish, So I'm sorry. So, this is just a filler until later. But don't worry clary will make another dramatic entrance soon!

By the way, that is for 1k reads. It's nice to know you guys are enjoying this!


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