t w e l v e

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Confusion. That's all I felt. I don't know how to act with the truth now revealed. Of course I was still angry at Jace for sleeping with her when he could've just came to me.

I kept a secret, a big one at that, for so long because I felt he was unworthy and I hated him. But now, it seemed as if all that hate and bitterness I've carried for years was now lifted and I could see the light of truth in the darkness I've wallowed in.

Now the hard part came, telling my truth.


Startled, I look up into the familiar amber eyes of the man I've hated for so long "I'm sorry, what we're saying?"

"I've been calling your name for the past 3 minutes. You were talking about telling me something." Jace answered, looking concerned. He grabbed my hands in his making me look down at them in guilt.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." I started, breathing shakily "William wasn't completely a secret."


"I wasn't the only one who knew about William." I spoke slowly, with great difficulty.

"Who else knew, Clary?" He demanded, taking his hands from mine.

"Magnus and Izzy."

"What?!" He roared "Did you ask them to keep Will a secret?! Did you hate me that much?!"

"No it's wasn't like that at all!" I try and calm him down.

"I can't believe you! After I told you the truth about that day!" He shouted, he started to run back inside.

"This was before I knew the truth! And I have an explanation I promise!" I exclaimed, putting a hand in his chest to stop him from going any further.

"No, Clary! I don't think you can explain yourself!" Jace shouted. It was clear that he was angry and I didn't push him further.

He then shoved past me back into my house. I stood there on the roof silently looking at the lively City of New Orleans until I heard the slam of my front door being closed and Jace's angry footsteps stomping down the pavement away from my house.

When I couldn't hear his footsteps any more, I fell to my knees and sobbed there alone.

▬▬▬ ▬▬▬


Long over-do.


I apologize.

But don't worry drama is my middle name and I'm about to drop some big ass bombs on all of you readers.


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