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5 years later

In the city of New Orleans, a short woman strutted down the sidewalk, with her long pin straight silvery hair swaying around her waist and her heels making a constant click clack.

The women's emerald eyes scanned the streets lazily oblivious of the hungry stares from man and the looks of envy from woman.

"Hey!" A group of people sang out.

The girl looked at them curiously "Yes?"

A man stepped forward with a warm smile, taking off his white fedora he bowed and spoke "Question. Can you dance, ma'am?"

"Yes." the silver haired girl answered.

"Can you sing, ma'am?"


"Last question, I promise. What's your name, ma'am?"

"Clarissa. But I prefer Clary or Clare." Clary smirked.

"Great! Now come with us!" They all sang yelled in usion.

Clary let out a small gasp when the man pulled her by the hand in front of the group.

"Play it!" He yelled before turning to Clary "By the way, the name's Bellamy!"

"Nice to meet you, Bel. Now let's see what you got!" She winked at him before turning to cross crowd of tourists.

Clapping her hands, Clary stared to sing to the crowd "Now! I need all the Ladies and the fine Gentleman! If you can dance or sing, come on up! Heck! Even the kids! I just need you​ all to get up and dance!"

The crowd let out shy nervous chuckles, shaking their heads towards Clary in a no motion.

Clary laughed and help her hand up to stop the band from playing the random tune. Walking up to the band Clary ushered them closer as she whispered her song to them.

Clarissa turned towards the crowd and slowly cat walked towards a tall brunette man, the clack of her heels making its way to everyone's ears even with the small buzz of noise going around.

The silver headed girl ran her long blood red fingernail over the mans sharp jawlinr, and stared him into his vibrant blue eyes.

"I wanna love ya..." Clary sung softly.

The man blinked in surprise and looked at Clary as if she had grown three heads. With a wink Clary backed away from him, lifting her arms in the air and two guys raised her up in the air until that finally put her on the roof of a random car. Two other girls were on top of the car as well, a redhead and a blonde.

Snapping her fingers, The trumpets started to play an upbeat rhythm, each instrument needed joining in one at a time.

And just like that Clarissa began to sing.

"Baby even though I hate ya, I wanna love ya. I want you, you, you. And even though I can't forgive ya, I really want to. I want you, you, you. Tell me, tell me baby. Why can't you leave me. 'Cause even though I shouldn't want it, I gotta have it. I want you, you, you.

Head in the clouds. Got no weight on my shoulders. I should be wiser, And realize that I've got!"

The Fairchild swung her arms out, then allowed the two other girls that were with her to each put one hand on her shoulder and danced.

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