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||3rd Person Point of view||

"A club?" Isabelle questioned as she stared up at the building.

"Yup." Clary responded, fixing her satin emerald top.

"It's the best one in New Orleans." Gabby added, a grin plastered on her face.

"Wow, you really have changed." Izzy grinned.

"She has and I'm loving it. This whole thing isn't really Alec's scene." Magnus grinned.

All girls and Magnus looked astoundingly beautiful in their outfits. Isabelle was wearing a red wrap dress, a small slit on the side exposing her thigh, and then matching heels. Izzy's hair was pin straight and slicked back. Clary wore her satin wrap shirt with a plunging v-neck and matching shorts, paired with black heels. The Fairchild's hair was braided on the side and parted over her shoulder. Gabby wore black lacy two piece and matching heels, her white hair in a braided bun. Finally, Magnus stood out more than the girls with his extravagant suit of glitter and 6 different scarves.

"Ready?" The Fairchild asked.

"Absolutely." Izzy replied. Then the four walked arm in arm inside of the club. Inside was the typical club scene, huge crowd of sweaty, drunk adults and perverts. The four friends walked to the bar to start off their night with strong tequila shots.

"All right! I'm tipsy enough to dance!" Clarissa exclaimed, throwing her hands up and strutting towards the dance floor.

"Us too!" Izzy said as her and Gabby stumbled from their chairs, following after Clary.

"Yes, bitches! Get it!" Magnus yelled as he joined them.

The three girls grinded on each other giggling at the boys staring at them from afar. Suddenly, Clary was walking away from the girls towards the group of men. Throwing her arms over some guy with dark hair and blue eyes shoulders, she started swaying to the music with him. She was having the best time until she spotted something in the corner of her eye.


Without a word, she walked away from the guy and towards the demon seductively, her shadowhunter instinct to kill demons kicking in immediately. Clary could only thank Raziel that she always carried her weapons with her.

"Hey there." She smiled, rubbing her knuckles along it's disguised face.

"Well aren't you a delicious little thing." It smirked in way that would make any mundane freeze in fear. Thankfully, Clary was no longer a mundane.

"How about we go somewhere more private?" Said Clary, not waiting for his answer as she pulled him by the hand to the back room.

After a struggle of getting through sweaty bodies grinding on each other they finally made it to the back room. When they walk in Clary quickly pulls out her seraph blade from my boot and turn around blade swinging leaving a nasty cut on the demons cheek. This action caused Deja Vu to hit her about the night she first discovered the shadow world, in an extravagant club. The night she met him.

"Nephilim!" the demon hisses.

"No, I'm Beyoncé." She spoke, sarcasm drowning her words as her fake grin of innocence played on her lips. And then they were off, swing after swing the demon couldn't keep up and it was losing fast.

Then of course nothing goes exactly the way a person wants it to, and one of the demons slimy tentacles tripped Clary and she was then on the ground her blade falling from her hand across the floor.

It snarls at the Fairchild getting ready to end her. But it was clear Clary was not going down without a fight. Grabbing her blade from her bra, she threw it at its head but before it could even imbed itself it it's head it vanished and was sent away.

"What the hell?!" She exclaimed. Then she soon got her answer, making her groan in annoyance.

Jace Herondale.

"What the fuck, Jace! I had it!" She shouts angrily that he took her kill on the disgusting thing. It was shocking to hear her curse since she rarely did it. But there was something about Jace that always pushed her buttons.

"Did you really?" He said with a smirk that would have had Clarissa swooning is she hadn't remembered that she had lost the most precious thing because of him. And that only fueled her anger more.

"You know what, fuck you! Just leave me alone, Jace." She says and tries to push past him angrily. But of course, he grabs her wrist and stops her.

Yay life. She thought bitterly.

"What the hell is your problem, Clary?!"

"Your my problem! You're the cause of everything single bad in my entire fucking life! I blame you for making me lose everything!" She finally explodes, not being able to control her temper.

He just stood there shocked and Clary took that as an opportunity to get away. Turning away, she runs out of the club with tears she didn't even notice or bother to wipe away that were a waterfall on her flushed cheeks. She burst through the doors and find it was now night and pouring outside that only got her in a fowler mood.

And yet all she could think about was-

"Clary!" Jace yells over the pouring rain.

Clary was turned around to face the one and and only asshole that made her lose the most precious thing in the universe.

"What, Jace?! Just! What?!" She screams furiously.

"Just talk to me! Dammit!" Jace yells back, his anger getting the best of him.

Clarissa Fairchild just couldn't hold it in any longer as she took a deep breath and let out all her anger "You know what! Fine! I blame you for making me leave behind Izzy, Alec, Magnus, Simon, my parents, even fucking Church, Jace! I blame you for making me leave behind the only home I've ever known! And I hate you for it! I hate you! I hate you for-"she chokes on her words, not tears falling down her face when she realized what she was about to say.

"For what, Clary?" he asked with genuine curiosity and care drowning his facial expression.

When her breath becomes normals and she's as calm as she can muster she whispers in an almost inaudible voice.

"I blame you for making me lose my baby...."

▬▬▬ ▬▬▬

Hehehe, you guys love me!
Don't you just live drama!
Catch me with my new chapter soon!!


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