Chapter 4

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"Look in the book," I mange to say with the panic putting a lump in my throat.

"Why can't you just tell us?" Rowan asks.

"Because. Just read Chapter 1."

He sighs and picks up the book. The others watch over his shoulder. He flips through to Chapter 1: Beginners guide to the Supernatural. It only lasts one page, but it's mind-blowing. It tells you that Supernaturals are real. It also provides evidence to go along with it, since nobody ever believes. They finish reading the page and they're shocked into complete silence. I don't blame them. Finally, Rowan speaks, surprising me.

"I would ask if this is a prank but....I know it's not," he says. "Okay, so Supernaturals are real. It said there are six main types. What are they?"

Stunned that he's taking it so well, it takes me a moment to answer.

"Vampires, ghosts, zombies, werewolves, warlocks, and...."

"And what?" Nick presses.

"And....witches," I say.

"You mean ugly old hags that curse people left and right," Nick sneers.

"That's not how they really are," I say.

"How do you know?"

I scowl at him, but don't answer. I change the subject, pointing at the book.

"Look on page 357. It's what I'm really worried about," I tell Rowan. This time, only he reads the page. The others keep looking around. When he finishes, he looks shell-shocked.

"What is it?" Jack asks, looking concerned.

"I'll explain," I say, saving Rowan. I don't wanna be the center of attention, but I also know he needs a minute or two. I can explain it better anyway.

"There's a legend of six Supernaturals. One of each kind. Nina the ghost, Angela the vampire, Devin the werewolf, Robby the zombie, Lane the warlock, and Amelia....the witch. See, there's a whole other world for the Supernatural. There are small villages in their world. There's Bloodville which is where the vamps live, Canineville where the werewolves live, Invisiville where the ghosts live, Steinville where the zombies live, and Spellville where the witches and warlocks live. Monster City is where they all mix. It's believed that they each came from the village of their own kind, except for Amelia. She was from Monster City. Bria Holt was from there, too. She was the mayor's daughter, so she was pampered and eventually had a bunch of power. But she got too addicted to the power. She sought out the scepter, a powerful staff that contained the stones of the supernaturals. With all the stones together, the scepter controls the entire supernatural world. The six were part of a prophecy, and fate brought them together so that they could defeat the wicked Bria and guard the stones. An epic battle went down. Nobody heard from the the six or Bria ever again. They assumed Bria was dead. But only the six know what the prophecy says, so they couldn't do anything but hope."

" think we're the next six?" Rowan asks.

"I'm thinking it's a possibility. A very bad possibility, but still a possibility," I say.

"So which supernatural am I?" asks Claire excitedly.

"I noticed that you've been getting faster, and stronger too if Nick's bruise is as big as I think it is. Plus, you're getting paler by the minute," I say. "You're a vampire."

"Cool! But I don't have to drink.....blood and everything, do I?" she asks me nervously.

"No, that's just how humans tell it. You can, but only if you want to. You'll get the sharp teeth and all that stuff no matter what."

"Awesome!" she squeals and jumps up and down. "Um...I mean....whatever dude," she adds quickly. She steps back, and Penelope comes forward.

"I think you already know," I say softly.

"I'm a ghost, aren't I?" I'm dead," she says, her usual smile and happy face turning into a look of despair.

"Your not dead Penelope. That's just a humans telling, too. If you were dead, you'd be a spirit."

Her eyes light up and she smiles wide.

"So...I'm not dead?" she asks, hope shining in her bright hazel eyes.

"No. It just means you can turn transparent. And that's only if you wish it. Though, it may take some practice at first," I tell her.

"Thank god!" she exclaims and steps back next to Claire. Jack steps up next.

"Zombie. Pale skin, quiet, and your pupils are large. Don't worry, you don't have to eat any brains, and you aren't dead. You just have a special connection with the dead," I tell him. He nods and heads toward Claire and Penelope. I look at the two people left.

"Shake my hand," I order Nick.

"Why?" he asks childishly.

"Just do it," I say tiredly.

"Fine," he relents, scowling the entire time. I shake his hand, but pull it back quickly because of the weird feeling I get. I hold my hand out to Rowan next. He takes it and shakes.

"Ow!" I yell and wrench my hand back. It was like putting it into that car-crushing thingie they use to squeeze cars into big deformed rectangles.

To their confused looks I say, "Rowan, you're a werewolf. You don't change on a full moon and all that crap, but you do shift into a wolf. A large wolf, yes, but not a huge beast. Just a bit bigger than a normal wolf. You also don't have to eat people or animals."

He looks relieved when I say those last bits.

"What am I?" Nick asks curiously.

"You're a.....warlock." I tell him. Surprise flashes across his face, but he quickly buries it.

"So what are you?" he asks.

"Look, I've been keeping the secret of what I am for my entire life. I'm not just gonna tell you guys, basically five people I just met, one of my deepest and darkest secrets," I say.

"You're entire life?" Rowan asks me. I realize what I let slip.

"I guess I activated your powers somehow," I say.

"C'mon Raven. I won't stop till I figure it out," Rowan tells me. I narrow my eyes at his threat. I take a deep breath and tell the five strangers a dangerous secret that I've never told a living soul ever before.

"I'm a witch."

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