Chapter 28

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Raven's POV

"BUMBLEBEE NOOOOOOOO!" Penelope screams, spilling popcorn everywhere. I sigh, turning to Rowan. 

"I told you she wasn't ready for this!" I yell at him. 

"Hey, I thought she could handle it!" he says in his defense. I roll my eyes, smiling. 

"Um....maybe we should all go to bed now," Jack suggests. We clean up the popcorn and drinks and go to our own rooms. Well, Jack's guest rooms. He's letting us stay here till all of this is over, and I'll be forever grateful. I really don't wanna go to my foster dad's house. I can fight back, it's just that I don't wanna expose myself. If I use my powers, then I'll be experimented on like an animal. If I use my fighting skills, I'll get booted to another foster home. And believe it or not, this is the best one I've ever been in. I can't screw it up. 

After getting to my room and taking a shower, I start putting PJs on. Giant fuzzy pants and a huge white t-shirt is much more comfortable than what I usual wear to bed. As I'm about to turn the light off and climb into bed, someone knocks on my door. I sigh and open it. I blink when I see it's Rowan. He looks nervous. 

"Hey," he says. "Can I come in for a sec?"

"Uh...sure..." I say uncertainly. 

I sit on the bed as he closes the door behind him. After he's done, he sits beside me. 

"Are you...doing okay? Did they hurt you a lot?" he asks me. I shift uncomfortably. 

"I'm fine," I tell him. He snorts.

"You can't lie to me, Raven. I already know your tells. Besides, soon you won't be able to lie to any of us ever again."


"I'm serious! We're having a team building week so that we can all get to know each other! Amelia said we need to learn to work together and all of us agreed. By all of us, I mean Penelope. Nick punched the wall, Claire rolled her eyes and snorted, and Penelope squealed so loud my ears bled. But actually, that's not the reason I'm here."

"Then why did you want to talk to me?" I ask him, curious. 

"So I wanted to apologize-" he starts. 

"For what?"


"Right answer."

"Anyway, none of it was my business and I'm sorry for what I did."


"Dang. I'm nailing this audition."

We both laugh. Is it cheesy that I love the way he smiles? Yep. Definitely. The butterflies in my stomach keep flittering around, and I really wanna smack them to make it stop. 

"Did you just say you want to smack butterflies?" Rowan asks me, smirking. Oops. 

"Are you high? I never said that!" I say, playing dumb. 

"I'm pretty sure you did."

"Did not."

"Did so."

"Did not."

"Did so."

"Did not."

"Did so."

"Did n-"

I'm cut off by him. Or more accurately, his lips against mine. What. Is. Happening. All coherent thoughts go out the window. I sigh, content for once in my life. Our lips move in sync, and I can feel him smile to himself as he buries his hands in my hair. I roll my eyes. I don't know how long it goes on for, though it feels like forever. I guess that's what they always say, isn't it? But it really is true. The euphoric, tingling feeling that floats through my veins is making my head dizzy. I pull back for air and his lips chase mine, making me smile. I wish it could stay like this forever, but I know it can't. This can't happen. We can't happen. My lip trembles as I pull away all together. 

"We can't do this Rowan. It won't work, it never does. We'll both just be heart broken in the end. Or it might just be me after you leave for a better life. Either way, it'll only bring pain," I tell him. 

I feel a tear drop as he looks at me with soft, sad eyes and whispers, "I will never hurt you, Raven. I promise."

"I wish I could believe you, Row, I really do. But I you know how many times I've heard that? And then.....then they would just hurt me over and over and over again no matter what they said to me before."

He looks me straight in the eyes, smiling slightly as he says, "But I promise. Pinky promise."

My breath hitches and I look away as another tear falls. Standing up quickly, I head for the door. 

"I've...I've gotta go somewhere," I whisper, not looking back as I run down the stairs and out the door. 


Peoples, I was so emotional while writing this chapter! Probably because it's 2:31 in the morning right now and I'm really tired.....anyway, I hope you liked it! Please comment your favorite part and tell me what you think is gonna happen next! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

-The Flash 

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