Chapter 32

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Nick's POV 

I lay on my bed as I think. I can't believe what's happened in these past few hours. Raven is staying at my house. Rowan is dead, and Raven is staying at my house. 

How am I gonna hide my feelings for her now? This is a disaster! But at the same time, it's a miracle. I get to hear her bright laugh, see her clever smile and mischievous eyes, and just feel her warm presence in the room. The way her eyes seem to sparkle when she talks about something she cares about makes my head spin. Her mind is a cunning machine, and her words are riddles. Solving them is always impossible. Her walls are strong, but I'm stronger. 

I drift off to sleep as I listen to the rain pounding against my window. 


My alarm wakes me up, and at first I think it was all an elaborate dream. Then I come to my senses as I fully wake up. I put my regular clothes on and head downstairs, where I see everyone already there and eating breakfast. Raven is wearing the same thing she did at the fight with Miranda. So this is what the real Raven wears? Dang. At first, I thought she was a shy little thing. I learned my lesson, though. I can't believe I thought she was just a snobby rich girl undercover! I'll admit, I was being dumb. Wow, that actually hurt to say.....

"Are you just gonna stare at the food or actually come over and eat it?" my mom asks me. I roll my eyes at her sarcasm. She's like an older version of Raven. They smile at each other. Oh no- they're BONDING! NOOOOOOOOOO! I smile calmly, though my mind is in chaos. Then I realize something else that's horrific. With three sarcastic girls in the house, I'm outnumbered. Crap. WHY?!?!

Sighing, I sit down at the table. My sister glances up from her book only for a second before she looks down again, pushing her thick black glasses in. I shake my head, looking down as well.  Am I not worth her time? Raven clears her throat, breaking the tension in the room. Emily's head snaps up. 

"Wanna go to the library today?" she asks Raven excitedly, who smiles and laughs. 

"Of course!" she says in a duh tone. 

"You're a book worm?" I ask Raven in disbelief. 

"Are you dumb? YES! To both questions actually," she says. I laugh. The whole table goes silent. 

"Do you have a fever honey?" my mom whispers. 

"Um no....why?" 

"No reason."

I give her a weird look, but go back to eating my food. 

"We'll have to go to the school library. Don't worry, I have the keys. Oh, and can I bring my friends to the library with us?" Emily asks Raven after a few minutes of complete awkward silence. 

"Which friends honey?" my mom asks. 

" only ones," Emily says, laughing. Raven laughs, too, but my mom and I look at Emily in bewilderment. 

"I thought you had a million friends," I tell her. She snorts. 

"Me, the nerd girl, have a million friends? Yeah, right." 

Raven speaks up. 

"That's just how it goes. Nerds are nobodies that get stepped all over. Well, the actual Nobodies are the ones you don't even know exist. When you're a nerd, most people know your name so they can bully you into doing their homework. The Nobodies, however, go above and beyond not to get noticed. There are only a few Nobodies at our school: Mariella, Tommy, and me. At least I'm pretty sure those are the only ones. We do try not to get noticed at all so it's hard to spot us, ya know."

Emily nods along with her, but my mom and I just gape at them. 

"That's how it works?" I ask incredulously. 

"Duh. You'd have to be blind to not notice," Raven says. When she sees the shocked look on my face, her eyebrows raise. 

"I was homeschooled for most of my life," I explain. 

"Lucky," she mutters. I smirk. 

"I know." 

She glares at me and nods to Emily, whose sitting beside me. Emily slaps me on the shoulder. Hard. 

"How are you so strong?" I ask her. 

"You're just a sensitive baby," she says, smiling. But there's something in her eyes that tells a different story. I decide to drop it for now. Instead of interrogating Emily, I turn to Raven. 

"You have got to stop doing that," I tell her. 

"Actually, I think I need to do it more....." she says, trailing off. 

"You better not." 

"How are you gonna to stop me?" she asks. I smile at her wickedly. 


"Let me out of the trunk, Nick!" Raven shouts. "It's cramped in here!" 

Yes, I stuck Raven in the trunk because of what she said. My car is a classic car so she really can't get out. Emily glares at me as she sits on the car beside me. She can't open the trunk either, so she's ticked off because she can't free her little idol. Ha. I smirk at her, which causes her to roll her eyes at my smugness. I see a reluctant smile form at the tip of her lips, though. As I start the car, I flash her a real smile and say, "To the library we go." 

After a few minutes of driving, we reach the school. Going to school on a Saturday (willingly) is something I never thought I'd do. I open the trunk quickly, and Raven glares at me when I try to help her out. As we walk up to the entrance, I see 3 girls about Emily's age already there. When we reach them, Emily smiles. Raven is still glaring at me, making me smirk back at her. 

"Guys, this is my new friend, Raven, and my brother," Emily tells her friends. They look at us skeptically. They're like 12, why are they suspicious? 

"Nick and Raven, meet Lilly Sawyer."

Lilly has straight, long black hair and beautiful baby blue eyes that can melt a person's heart. She has on aqua colored leggings, a large over-sized sweatshirt, and denim trainers. Her thick black glasses are just like Emily's. 

"And this is is Ivy Smalls."

Ivy has long, wavy, dark red hair with long bangs. She also has freckles and sea green eyes that seem to swirl when you look at them. Ivy has on a huge baggy t-shirt, ripped jeans, black sneakers, and black glasses. Again with the glasses? 

"Lastly, this is Tessa Fox."

Tessa has long, wavy brown hair that's up in a complicated looking braid, which is tying some of her hair back out of her eyes. Speaking of her eyes, they're a sharp emerald green that are almost intimidating. She's wearing black combat boots, black leggings, a black skirt, a white tank-top, a jean jacket, and black glasses. Wow, that's a lot of black. And seriously, what's with the glasses?

All of them look bizarre, but actually perfect together. Emily fits in with her denim overalls, white t-shirt under it, long white socks, and tall black sneakers. No matter how different they look, they still go together. It's puzzling. 

"Cool, you guys seem like my type of people," Raven says. They all laugh. 

"Let's break in before I melt like a snowman because of how hot it is," Lilly suggests. 

"Break in?!?! I thought you said you had the keys, Emily," I say. She smiles at me nervously. 


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