Chapter 16

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"Raven!" I scream as she's crushed in the giant zombie's hand. I feel a bolt of power surround our group and Raven's power floods into my mind. Flashes of memories run through my mind.

I scream as Robby corners me in a dark room in my new foster house.

"Get away from me Robby," I say, my voice shaking slightly. Tears are trailing silently down my cheeks as I back toward the window. I'm not fast enough though as he reaches for me, yanking me toward him as I scream-

The flashback ends. I look at the others and they all nod at my questioning look. We each experienced a memory of Raven's, and none of them were good. A purple forcefield shapes around us, shielding us from the zombie giant.

"Raven saved us," I breathe as it hits me. "We've gotta save her."

The others nod. Even Nick.

"Lets go then!" I yell. The forcefield moves with us as we head toward her. The giant notices and tries to stomp on us, but his foot gets cuts off as it touches the forcefield. He hops on one foot and falls backwards, making the ground shake with the force.

"We need the forcefield to drop!" I tell the others over the noise. The shield ripples and disperses, making us gape in amazement at what's left. A little girl version of Raven that's made out of her purple magic is staring back at us.

"Um..." I say brilliantly. Tiny Raven smiles at me sadly.

"She's dying. You've got to do something. She can't keep healing herself forever! The giant keeps crushing her again and again. So much pain. If she tries to tell you she's fine, don't believe her. She's on Death's doorstep," mini-Raven tells us. We nod quickly. "I'll act as Raven. I'm basically her," she adds. "Now let's go win this."

We run toward the zombie giant, whose  still struggling on the ground. We stand side by side at its body.

"Push your magic toward it, into it. Remember, your magic is an extension of you," mini-Raven coaches us. We close our eyes and concentrate. Holding our hands out in front of us, we push our magic out and into the giant. He grunts, frustrated. So we do it again and again till he stops moving. We run to the zombie's fist and pry it open. Raven is there, unconscious. Her pale skin is as white as snow and her body is lying there, motionless. It makes Claire go throw up nearby, Penelope cry, and everybody else stare in shock and horror. Young Raven walks up to her and slides back into the actual Raven again. Raven opens her eyes gasps, sitting up straight. She lets out a scream of pain and lays back down. Smiling weakly, she asks, "Did you win?"

"We won. Thanks to you, we're still alive," I say, looking at her worriedly. She smiles at me again, then passes out completely.

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