Chapter 23

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Rowan's POV

"Raven!" I scream. This can't be happening. Please let this be a dream. A nightmare. I just want to wake up and forget about all of this. Why didn't I listen? No no no no no no-

"What just happened?!?!" I hear someone scream. Turning around, I see Emma is making her way through the crowd, the newbie in tow.

"Did the crazy lady just take her?" she asks. I don't answer, still in shock. She glares at me.

"Hey! Focus!" Emma yells. That snaps me out of my frozen state. I nod to her.

"Shitzel," she curses under her breath. Nico raises an eyebrow at her creative word, then just shrugs and rolls his eyes.

"I promised I wouldn't let this happen to her again," Emma mutters under her breath, looking sad and worried at the same time. My blood turns to ice.

"This happened before?" I ask, my voice laced with venom. I may not have known her for very long, but I know that I feel something for her. If she was kidnapped before-

"It's not my place to tell you.." Emma trails off. I sigh, knowing she's right.

"Brock!" Emma shouts suddenly. "I need you to organize a search party."

A chubby looking kid about our age comes over to us. He sweeps his dark brown hair out of his light green eyes.

"Where do we look, Miss Swan?" he asks. Emma faces me.

"What did the crazy woman look like? I couldn't see well," she says. "I need details."


"Okay, did she have pure, forest green eyes? Long, brown hair? A lot of makeup on?" Emma asks me. I look at her in shock.

"Yes, exactly like that. How'd you know that?" I ask her. She just shakes her head, muttering to herself.

"Check caves and things like that," she tells Brock. He nods and walks off to get everything organized. Emma turns to me.

"You need to go now Rowan, and tell your friends about Bria," she says, ushering me out the door. She laughs at my expression.

"Raven told me everything. It's true she's never actually told anybody about her powers. But that doesn't mean we didn't figure it out. All the founders know. We've all been close friends since we were kids, so it's kinda hard to keep a huge secret like that one," Emma explains. "Now hurry and get out of here. It's not safe when it's really dark outside."

I nod in thanks and start jogging down the street, towards home. I think about the events leading up to Bria's appearance and what happened during her little visit. I can't believe I was so stupid. It's all my fault. Tears fall from my eyes. She told me not to do anything stupid, but I didn't listen. It's all my fault it's all my fault it's all my-

"Don't cry," I hear someone say. "Well, at least don't cry while people can see you."

I whirl around to see Raven standing there, her violet eyes seeming to glow in the night. Wait, they really are glowing.

"Oh that's just a result of the soul splitting. It's not anything dangerous," she tells me. "I think."

"Soul splitting?" I echo, confused. How is she here? It's not possible. I saw her get carried into the portal.

"Oh don't know what I did...." she trails off. She looks kind of in a daze.

"Raven?" I ask tentatively. Her eyes snap to mine in an instant, and the haze clears.

"Okay, so this is what happened: I knew I was gonna get taken so I decided to test a theory called soul splitting....and it's obviously where you split up your soul. I went for half and half. So one part of my soul is with Bria in her little hideout, and I'm here with you. We couldn't leave you guys alone so we sent me to keep you safe," she explains. I gape at her. She sighs.

"Lets just go to the secret cave in school," she says.

"But what about the others?" I ask.

"They're already there. I texted them earlier."

"Okay...lets go then," I say, still uncertain of her actually being here in front of me. Am I hallucinating because of the guilt?

"No, you're not. Now come on. We need to hurry," Raven tells me. 


We arrive a few minutes later. Everyone is gathered around the table, waiting for us.

"Hey, what'd you want to talk to us about?" Penelope asks Raven.

"I'll let Rowan explain that," she says. Oh crap, she's pissed.

I explain to the whole group what happened, and emphasized how much of an idiot I was. Amelia shakes her head, looking distressed.

"How are you here, Raven?" she asks her. I might have left out the part about the soul splitting. Hey, I'm still recovering from it!

Raven glares at me, then explains it to them. They're all shocked into silence when she's done, like I was. Amelia speaks up.

" you know of any side affects yet?" she asks. I can tell she's trying to act normal.

"Well I can communicate with my other half, which is with Bria. I also feel incomplete. Like a part of me is missing, and it hurts. Oh, and I can Astro-project her to you and you guys can communicate," she tells us. "Plus, since we're split in two, we're actually two different personalities. She got the controlled Raven. I got the wild one."

Suddenly, her outfit changes. She's wearing ripped black skinny jeans, a loose white tank top, black combat boots, and black leather gloves. Her hair is curly again, and she smiles mischievously. We all gape at her. It's like she's dropped the good girl act.

"That's right. You don't know half of the real Raven," she says. With that, she strolls down the stairs and out the cave door, leaving us all staring after her, confused and shocked.

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