Chapter 8

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It did not go well. Thank god the room is soundproof We were put into teams of two: Claire and Penelope, Rowan and Jack, and Nick and I. Amelia was going around to each group and helping, but she's focused on Jack and Rowan right now.

Claire is tasked with trying to control her vamp speed. She's failing. She keeps running into the wall on accident while trying to do laps around the entire room. Penelope's task is to make sure she stays in ghost form so Claire doesn't run right into her. It's working. Mostly.

Jack is tasked with trying to control how he sees into the world of the dead. Yeah, creepy, I know. Rowan is standing beside him, trying to get his claws to come out. That's his task, and it's actually working a bit. Amelia is encouraging him to try and push them farther out of his hand. All I can think is that he has the Wolverine's powers.

I'm siting here with Nick, trying to get him to complete his task. Which is not easy because he won't even try. His task is to do the mini-tornado thing I did.

"Just listen for a second," I say, already past my point of patience today. My side is starting to hurt, and it's getting worse each minute. Something must have leaked into my voice because he stops moving and his eyes snap up to mine.

"Okay, you see, our powers aren't that different. I'm a witch and you're a warlock. It's common sense that our magic is basically the same. So we call on our magic the same way. I'm going to teach you the steps of how I control my magic," I explain. Amelia must have heard me since she asks,"Can you tell the whole class the steps to how you control your magic?"

I nod. She tells everybody to sit in their desks, except me. Then says, "Stand in front and tell us. Oh, and write the steps on the board, too, please."

I nod. But inside, my heart is racing. I hate getting up in front of the class.

"Step 1: empty your mind. I always imagine a blank white space. Nothing and nobody can disturb you. It's a safe place where nobody can get in. Nothing can bother you there. No one can harm you," I add. "Its impenetrable."

"Can we put happy things in the white space?" Penelope asks me. I think about it a moment and realize something.

"You know, I think you guys would do better with picturing things that make you really happy."

"Yay! Unicorns...." she says dreamily.

"Step 2: reach for your power. When I was little, I lived by a park. By the park was a patch of woods that had a huge well hidden deep inside it. I used to go there all the time and practice my magic. It was peaceful there. Nobody ever braved the woods since there were wolves supposedly wandering around. That might've been my doing. The rumors, I mean. I didn't want anybody discovering me. The well is where I came up with the steps. Plus, it gave me the idea for step 2. Imagine a well, but instead of water, it's filled with your power. Reach into that well and draw that power up." I start thinking about the park again. About the last time I was there. About what happened after.

I run through through the woods, the smell of wet grass stinging my nose. I slip and land on my knees. I have to get up. Have to get to the well. Have to escape this place.

Claire's voice brings me back to the present. I catch Rowan looking at me. That can't be good.

"Does it have to be a well?" Claire asks. I switch my attention to her.

"No, just something that you can draw your power out of," I tell her.

"Like a coffee cup?"


That one word was so hard to get out.

"Step 3: Shape the power that you draw out. Mold it like clay. It takes practice to get it right, though."

The bell rings as soon as I finish writing it on the board.

"We'll finish this tomorrow," Amelia says. "Class is dismissed."

"Finally!" Claire exclaims. "No offense Amelia," she adds. Amelia laughs.

"None taken. I used to hate school, too."

"Everybody hates school or used to hate it."


We head out the door and to our lockers in the hallway. I put my books up and shut my locker, jumping when I see Rowan leaning on the locker beside me.

"What're you doing?" I ask. I know I sound cranky, but I can't help it. My side feels like it's on fire right now. Plus, I'm tired and hungry.

"What were you thinking about?" he asks, his eyes so focused on me that I look down quickly and don't dare look up again.


"When you were explaining step 2," he says.

"What makes you think I was thinking about something?" I ask defensively.

"You had this look in your eyes. Like you're haunted by the memories of that well."

"Why would you care?"

"Why would you think I wouldn't care?" he counters.

I narrow my eyes at him and walk away without answering.

"I won't stop till I figure you out, Raven!" he calls after me. I keep walking and don't look back.

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