Chapter 31

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Raven's POV

Everything is numb. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. The truck driver had called the police as soon as they crashed, so the ambulance came a few minutes after Rowan...after he....

I shake my head to get rid of the thought and wrap the towel tighter around myself. I'm sitting at the back of the medic's truck while they try to get me to speak or move.

"RAVEN!" I hear someone shout. My head snaps up.

"Penelope?" I whisper as she reaches me.

"Thank god you're okay! Where's Rowan?" she asks me. I hold back more sobs as I point to the body bag a few feet away. Her eyes widen in horror and tears run down her face.

"What happened?" she asks me quietly.

"He was chasing after me....and he ran into the truck....and he's..."

I stop talking for fear of breaking down again. The rage on Penelope's face when she looks at me makes me feel nauseous.

"So it's your  fault," she spits out. 

"You're a monster!" Penelope screams at me. I close my eyes as a tear falls. When I open my eyes, I see her talking to the rest of the group, not doubt telling them how much of a demon I am for killing Rowan. Everyone has angry faces except.....Nick surprisingly. He just looks at me with sad eyes as he walks over, alone. I look down as he sits beside me and prepare for the endless slew of hurtful words. 

"It's not your fault Rae. It's nobody's fault," he tells me. I look up at him, surprised. 

"Nick, it is my fault....nothing can change that."

"It isn't your fault, and you need to accept it. Since I don't think Jack is gonna let you stay at his place anymore, you can stay at mine," he says, stunning me.

"You hate me. Why would you offer me a place to stay?" I ask.

"I don't hate you, Rae. Now let's go."

He stands up and offers me his hand. I take a deep breath and grab it, getting up as well.

"Let's go," I say. We walk all they way to his house in silence since he doesn't have a car yet. I know we probably look absolutely crazy. Two teenagers walking on the side of the road in PJs while it's raining. One of them carrying a suitcase. Yeah, I grabbed my suitcase before I left because it has important things in it. Call me crazily prepared. Whatever. 

Finally, we reach his house. It's actually pretty fancy. Not anything like Jack's place, but still above average. He opens the door and calls out, "Mom! I'm home! And I brought a friend over! I hope you don't mind!"

A lady with Nick's eyes and hair color comes down the stairs and smiles at him. When she looks at me, though, you can see the distaste in her eyes. She frowns. 

"Oh great. A slut," she says, rolling her eyes. Nick's eyes widen and he gapes at her. 

"Mom! She's not a slut! Her roommate found another place and she can't find a new roommate to help pay the rent, so I told her she could stay with us!" Nick tells his mom.  

"Oh, then it's okay. Nice to meet you!" she says to me. I smile at her. 

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Raven."

"You can call me Laurie. I hope I get to know you better! It isn't everyday Nick brings a girl home, you know."

I burst out laughing as Nick yells at his mom. Once he's done, he turns to me and says, "Come on, I'll show you the guest room." 

I nod and we head upstairs. 

"Sorry about my mom," he tells me. 

"I HEARD THAT!" Laurie shouts from downstairs. I laugh. 

"It's okay. I like her," I say. 


His face turns red and I smile. When he looks at me, he smiles like me......then he trips. I gasp for air as I die laughing. 

"You know, you could help me up...." he says. I nod. 

"I could...." 

He sits there staring at me, and I stand there staring back. After a few seconds, he cracks a smile. I laugh and offer him my hand. He takes it and stands up beside me. We continue walking till we reach a door at the end of the hall. He points to the door in front of us and says, "That's your room, and the one across from it is my room. You're right next to Emily's, so maybe you two could bond or whatever you girls do."

"Excuse me?" I ask. But there's another voice along with mine. I turn around and see a girl that's about 12 standing there with her hand on her hip. Nick's eyes widen and he holds his hands up in surrender. 

"Okay, I can see I'm outnumbered here so I'm just gonna let you guys do the introductions," he says. Nick goes to his room, leaving us alone together. Uh oh. I'm not good with people. 

"I'm-" I start, but she cuts me off. 

"I know. I was eavesdropping," she tells me excitedly. "I always wanted a sister!" 

"Cool. Me too," I say tentatively. 

"Yay! I'll show you my room and get you settled in," she says. Emily flips her long, straight blonde hair over her shoulder and smiles enthusiastically, her cool blue eyes sparkling with excitement. I laugh at her happy expression. I think I'm gonna like her. 

"Let's go," she says as she drags me into her room. This is gonna be a long night.....


I hope you liked this chapter peoples! Again, I am so so so so so sorry for what I did! Also, I am so so so so so sorry for what I'm going to do in the future! Speaking of the future, I'm probably gonna focus on the team and all that personal stuff for a while. Please vote and comment on this chapter! Tell me what you think about all of this! Thx peoples! BYEEEEEEEEEE! 

-The Stranger on the Street 

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