12-first communication

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Obi wan came to work everyday, except weekends, and worked on his idea. One month in, he had a prototype.

"Qui gon look at this! I just finished it." Said Obi wan excitedly.

"What is is?" asked Qui gon, looking at the microphone attached to a silver cylinder with a vid-screen attached.

"It's my prototype communicator. Supposedly, we can talk to someone we have already met, we can see them, be they can't see us. We should also know what is happening with that person. I haven't tested it yet..." said Obi wan, "do you want to test it?"

"You should do the honors. You made it." Said Qui gon.

Obi wan leaned over, and pressed his palm against a gold plaque on the side of the cylinder, and closed his eyes.

He saw Luke flying desperately into a tight gray corridor in the heart of the death star. He needed aid to avoid Darth Vader and shoot straight and true.

Use the force, Luke. 

he looked on with pride as he watched his pupil expertly shoot a proton torpedo into the heart of the Death Star, deftly using the Force to pilot with supreme skill. Just like Anakin.

the connection faded out as Luke emerged unharmed from the explosion.

Obi wan turned to Qui gon who nodded vigorously. "I can see why the boy is said to be our only hope. his powers are remarkable for someone with as little training as you described."

"He's remarkable. the on;y other person who I've seen anything like this was Anakin in that pod race!"

Qui gon nodded at the comparison and said "well done, Obi wan, this is truly impressive."

Obi wan smiled then said "it is better than I hoped for a prototype but I must work on the connection. I wan t the receiver to be able to see us as well as hear us."

Qui gon nodded then turned back to his own project, a device to improve the status updates about the galaxy.

Obi wan smiled at memories of training with Qui gon, then frowned as something occurred to him. the battle with Maul flashed before his eyes.

"Qui gon, what happens to Sith when they die. they use the Force, well some twisted version of it, but they certainly aren't here."

Qui gon frowned too, pondering his question. Finally, he shrugged. "I'm not sure, Obi wan, but it doesn't really matter. We are here. they aren't. we'll never have to worry about them again."

Obi wan frowned but nodded. he would let it go... for now. he had a feeling it would be important. He had no idea how right he was...

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