38-Wedding Planning

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Obi Wan and Satine sat together in their apartment, planning their wedding. Satine was working on the food and venue while Obi Wan worked on the guest list. He typed Anakin and Padme's names in first then added Ahsoka, all his Jedi friends and acquaintances, Satine's senator friends, Qui Gon, Bail and Breha Organa, Sara, and countless other friends the couple had made while living in the Valley. 

After he had a headache from staring at the screen he leaned back into the couch and looked at the clock. It was a little after Midnight. He looked at Satine who had a small crinkle between her eyes and tapped her shoulder.  he startled and looked over at him. He smiled at her. "It's late. we should turn in." He said. 

She nodded, put down her datapad and leaned into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned his head on top of hers. They sat together in comfortable silence, enjoying the feel of the other. Eventually, Satine fell asleep in his arms and Obi Wan picked her up, bridal style. He laid her gently on the bed and crawled in next to her. He fell asleep to the sound of her gentle breathing.

Unfortunately, he did not have pleasant dreams.

Darkness, pain, fire, misery. The Dark Side. These feeling washed over Obi Wan in his dream, similar to the time before Sidious's first attack. The Darkness coalesced into frightening but unclear visions. He heard Satine scream, the cackle of a familiar enemy, saw an unclear figure collapse to the ground and dissipate into smoke, felt the tint of death. Obi Wan struggled to break through the waves of Darkness and visions. When he finally did, the Dark smoke cleared and he awoke. 

The pale light of the Valley's dawn filtered in through the window and Obi Wan loosed a sigh of relief. He felt a sense of trepidation in the Force and tried to find the source. It skittered away and he released it. He already had a growing suspicion of what it was from. Sidious was coming...

He broke away from the dark thoughts and turned on his side towards Satine. He head was pillowed on her hand and she was turned towards him. Her hair was unruly and scattered on her pillow. The hand with the ring on it was stretched towards him, slightly. He held it in his own, careful not to wake her. He fingered the ring and smiled. He didn't tell her enough that he loved her. He was glad that he got this chance to make up for his mistake in not leaving the Order for her. He should have...

It didn't matter now. He would make it up to her. He would marry her and make her as happy as she deserved to be. 

"What are you smiling about?" Satine's soft voice asked, effectively bringing him back to reality. 

"I was just thinking about how much I love you." He answered truthfully.

She blushed and smiled at him. "I love you, too, Obi." She leaned her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. She melted into him. Nightmare almost forgotten, Obi Wan enjoyed the moment with the woman he loved. 


One Month Later...

Nothing had gone wrong... Normally that would be a good thing, except Obi Wan had a permanent feeling of dread and more dreams leading up to this day. Anakin, who had been chosen as Best Man, was helping Obi Wan prepare. 

Noticing his friends unease, Anakin said, "Hey, Obi Wan, what's bothering you?"

Obi Wan startled a little then turned to Anakin. "I've been having unclear Force Visions like before Sidious first attacked. I've got a very bad feeling about what's going to happen today."

Anakin furrowed his brow. "Of course he'd choose today! Don't worry, I've got your back, Obi Wan." 

Obi Wan smiled. "I know you do, Anakin. Thanks. Now, I think we've got a wedding to attend."

Anakin only smiled as they went out to wait at the end of the aisle. He silently promised himself that he would do everything to ensure that everything went smoothly.


Satine was fretting in her dressing room. Padme, her Maid of Honor, was applying her makeup while Ahsoka, the Flower Girl, was trying to get Satine to calm down. 

"Satine, relax! You have nothing to worry about! Obi Wan is worrying about you not wanting to marry him! You know he loves you more than anything in the Galaxy!" Ahsoka reassured.

Satine heard the truth in her words and tried to release the uncertainty. She felt the butterflies in her stomach and focused on how excited she was for this day. 

Padme finished the makeup and looked Satine over. "You look lovely, Satine. Don't worry, I felt the same way when I married Anakin. Everything will be great."

Taking their words to heart, Satine smiled. They were right; she had nothing to worry about. She was going to marry the man she loved. This was going to be a great day...

A/N: Short chapter. Some major action in the next one! Anyway, the image at the top is from Star Wars the Clone Wars TV Show. It's the episode where Anakin, Obi Wan, and Ahsoka are all on the planet/thing called Mortis. Anakin has a vision of his future. The image at the top is from the vision. I thought that it might be something like what Obi Wan has this chapter. 

May the Force be with you!


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