29-second visit

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Obi wan opened his eyes and found himself in the garden where he had met Force. He was disoriented. He shook his head to clear it than remembered what Force had told him: if he arrived here again there was no going back. He had to go back! Satine! He ran to the edge of the garden and hit an invisible barrier. He pounded against it, desperate to escape. He heard a sigh behind him. "Obi wan Kenobi, here again. Did I not warn you what this would mean?"
Obi wan turned and found her looking at him with was that grief, in her eyes?
"I did what you said! I rested, I didn't use the Force, I did nothing! How am I here?!" He demanded.
Force raised her hand and an image appeared in her palm, made of mist. He saw Maul break out of the same prison Sidious had emerged from. He pulled his hood up and walked off on his mechanic legs. The image shifted to Maul walking into the Med Center and sneaking through a crowd to avoid being seen. Then the scene shifted to Maul standing over a sleeping Obi wan. He activated his lightsaber and stabbed Obi wan in the chest near his heart and then walked away once the machines monitoring his life stopped beeping. Maul returned to where he had appered then slipped back through, a smile on his face. The image faded and Obi wan stumbled back, sudden and intense agony flared in his chest. He looked down and saw a hole one inch in diameter in his chest.
"How can I get back?" He asked.
Force shook her head. "No one has ever managed to return. No one had the will power to leave. The barrier is strong. It is intended to keep everything out but it also keeps what is inside, inside. This place protects my pure form from becoming poisoned. I permeate everything but some small part of me is always here. Safe and locked away from everything. I do not know how any mortal has ever managed to get here. It is rare and always someone touched by my power. They never leave. They simply fade away eventually. Like I said, there is no way back."
Obi wan looked at her in shock. "So you're saying I'm dead either way." Force shrugged noncommittal. Obi wan sat down on the grass, stunned. Force walked away and dissolved into golden light. He was alone. He sat there for a long time before he heard something. It was faint but familiar. Someone was saying his name. Screaming it. Pain in her voice. He only knew one person it could be: Satine! He heard other voices-Anakin, Ahsoka, all his friends but only one was clear enough to understand.
He followed the sound of Satine begging him to come back. I'm trying, I'm trying! Don't stop! I'm trying!
Finally, he arrived at a point in the barrier and he saw images swirling on an iridescent screen. Anakin was leaning against Ahsoka in shock. Tears were in his and Ahsoka's eyes. The worst part was that Satine was sobbing quietly, her head on his chest. He looked like he wasn't breathing. The sound of her crying was like a knife to the gut. He had to get back to her. He couldn't leave her like this, broken and defeated. He felt a tugging in him, pulling him towards her. A need so powerful it outweighed all caution. He charged at the barrier, expecting a painful impact. It never came.

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