chapter 2: Ice

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Whiskerkit cringed as he mother came hurtling at the gray tom. He closed his eyes and prepared for the impact, but her mother stopped before she hit him. "Kit stealer! why do you have them!?" most of the clans already came out from the dens by this time. Foxstar walked swiftly over to them. The gray tom placed them on the ground. "These two kits were over the shadowclan border" he said dipping his head to foxstar. He stared sternly at whiskerkit and her brother. "Thank you silverclaw, would you like an escort back?" foxstar said to the tom. The tom shook his head "i'l follow the river, but thankyou" he walked away then ran out of the camp. "What were you two doing?" he asked the kits then he turned to tinypaw "will you go call of the search parties?" he asked then turned back to them.

"well?" he asked. Whiskerkit stared at the ground "crowkit wanted to go get catmint for mouseseed, but then it got dark and we got lost" she said to her leader. Suddenly crowkit sneezed. Her mother scooped them up "you better come get warm you little foxes" she said pushing them into the nursery. "you two are staying in here until leafbare is over"she said looking at them. She started sniffing whiskerkit all over "stop mom, i'm almost an apprentice" her mother laughed "you think foxstar is going to make you apprentices anytime soon? not now! i wouldn't be surprised if he never did!" crowkit wimpered as his mother spoke. "Oh come here, i'm sorry, don't worry he will" she snuggled them up to her.

Whiskerkit drank her mother's milk, though most kits had stopped by this time foxstar agreed it would be a good idea of she kept nursing and feeding them prey through leafbare. She fell asleep, but quikly woke up as a cat pushed their way into the nursery. It was their father. His brown fur was wet and slicked down. "Thank goodness!" he said licking her head "almost all of us were searching out in the snow!" he laid next to their mother. "how are you doing darling?" he asked. She smiled "fine, how are you grassclaw?"" he said fine and the cats all fell asleep again as the sun went down.



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