chapter 12: fur

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Whiskertail turned on her nest. She listened as the other warriors in the den slept soundly. Why did I say that? She thought I didn't even really want to go on the journey. She turned over and looked at cloudstorm as he slept, the ginger stripe on his back gleamed I the moon light. Maybe I love him a voice said deep in her head. She sighed and laud back down. In a moment she felt someone poke her side. She stretched as she left the warriors den. "Foxstar wanted us to go out with FlameFeather and nightclaw for the day at the training hollow" Cloudstorm said as he followed her out of the den. She started to walk to the entrance, but cloudstorm stopped her. "i'm not letting you go hungry" he said dropping a fish at her paws. They sat down and ate it together. Crowfur stumbled out of the den. His fur was sticking up on one side. Tinyclaw ran up to him as he began smoothing it down. They finished eating the fish and then they headed out of camp. Crowfur ran and caught up to them. He smiled as they walked into the training hollow.

FlameFeather was waiting for them next to nightclaw. She stood up as they arrived. Whiskertail padded through the moss up to her. "Well" FlameFeather said "it's time to train like apprentices again" She paused "but this time you are training in a whole different place" Nightclaw spoke after her "you are going to train in the mountains, not litterly of course, but we are going to act as if we are there" he looked at cloudstorm "tell me what you would do if and eagle started to attack Whiskertail" Cloudstorm looked thoughtful for a second "bite onto the wing so it can't fly away" Nightclaw nodded and FlameFeather spoke "now, what would you do whiskertail?" She sat down "i would try and stay on my feet and on the ground i guess" Nightclaw snorted "think, how would you keep the eagle off of you and claw at it at the same time?" he said. "You get on your back" crowfur suddenly said "to claw at the eagle even though your belly is unprotected"

FlameFeather nodded "exactly, though when it comes to hawks you should try and only reveal your chest, any questions?" Cloudstorm spoke "what about hunting?" he asked. "there is mice and stuff up there, no fish, but when you find a mouse you can wait for a hawk to come and get it and get the hawk and mouse in one hunt, but never, ever go off alone hunting." while we are huntimg two of us will watch the skies and then the other three will hunt, so none of us get carried off by a bird" crowfur shudered "the mountains sound like a terrible place, where you are your prey's prey" Cloudstorm laughed "there is enough of us to protect you don't worry" crowfur shot him an angry glance. Nightclaw ignored them "We are leaving in three days, so we are going to traain all day from now on." FlameFeather looked deep into her eyes "i don't want any of you to die"



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