chapter 10: tail

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Whiskerpaw scurried into the camp. She carried three fish and a squirrel. Well, more dragged then carried. Crowpaw was following her with a thrush and shrew. He also had caught a fish. They dropped their prey on the pile and she heard a few cats let out sounds of approval. "looks like we are going to have some new warriors" sunmuzzle said as Foxstar came out of his den and stretched. He climbed onto the rock pile "may all cats old enough to swim gather" he called. The clan gathered around him. He gave whiskerpaw a glance. he is our kin she thought. Foxstar spoke "it is for one of the most important times of the clan, the making of a new warrior" he signaled for her to step forward "may starclan look down on this apprentice as i give her, her warrior name" he looked over at moontail "has she learned the warrior code?" the ancient words rang through the air "yes" moontail said. He turned back to her.

"then from this moment forward you shall be known as whiskerTail, Riverclan honors your skills and intelligence" She licked his shoulder the clan chanted her name whiskertail! whiskertail! whiskertail!" when they had finished crowpaw walked up to him. He repeated the words he said to whiskertail. "From this moment forward you shall be known as crowfur, starclan honors your bravery and bravery" the clan chanted his name "crowfur! Crowfur! crowfur!" he licked foxstar's shoulder. The clan cats walked around them, congratulating them "finally you can sleep in the warriors den with me" cloudstorm said to her as he licked her ear. Crowfur walked over to her. He was about to say something, but moontail interrupted him "remember you have a silent vigil until morning"

He sighed and whiskertail hopped over to the thorn barrier. She sat down and looked around. Soon night fell and crowfur began yawning. She began to start to lay down. wait! she thought standing up i need a way to stay awake! she nudged crowfur and swivlled her ears. He nodded and followed her, she jumped onto the rock pile. The camp looked so strange from that high up. She jumped back down, feeling energetic. They sat and the barrier the rest of the night until darkear came out. "you two can go get some rest now" he said "grab a fish too" they gulped down the food then padded into the nest. They laid down, and went to sleep.



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