chapter 25: END

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Foxstar sent a search party out for crowfur later that night. Stormcloud and whiskertail had gone out together. "I hope he didn't run Away" Whiskertail said. CloudStorm shook his head "he's sensible" he replied. When the sun set they returned to camp. FlameFeather ran up to them. "They found himby the lake, but he requested he stay there tonight" whiskertail's eyebrows  fit together. "Why?" She aksed. FlameFeather shrugged "I guess he needs a night to adjust to the clan again!" She replied. The moon was almost full that night. "The gathering will be fun" Whiskertail said. Stormnodded trying to get comfy in his nest. "Its weird being in my own nest again" he said. Whiskertail shrugged "its a lot comfier then sleeping in just grass and ferns!" Whiskertail closed her eyes. Her eyes opened up into a dream. She anprted and laid back down "why make me dream!" She yelled at hidden Starclan cats. She closed her eyes tight and tried to go back to sleep. A tail touched her shoulder so she opened them again. She gasped at the cat stood over her. PebbleStripe stood above her. "I have few to say" she said "Follow your heart, a hard choice is coming. And know that Starclan stands with you on what ever your answer is" Pebblestripe paused "say hi to GrassPelt for me" then Whiskertail woke up.

She jumped out of her nest into the clearing. The stars were just starting to dissapear. She stumbled into the medicine cat den, smiling. Mouseseed was starting to sort herbs. "What's wrong?" She asked as she ran over to Whiskertail. "Nothing" she replied as she thought for a moment. "I don't remember why is came here" she left the medicine cat den as warriors were starting to come out of the den. CloudStorm walked over to her. "Is CrowFur back?" He asked. She shook her head. "Let's go hunt" he then replied. They walked out into the forest and almost bumped into CrowFur. "Where have you been?" Whiskertail asked. The pleasant look on his face turned to anger "why does it matter!?" He yelled before storming into camp. Whiskertail almost went after him, then Stopped herself. He needs time to be alone she thought as she started to concentrate on fishing. She hooked a fish out and killed it. She set it down next to her as she waited for another one when her stomach felt strange. Must be the fish i ate yesterday, I haven't eaten one in a while.

Nothing eventful happened for the next couple daus until the gathering. The sun was starting to set and CrowFur started to be hopefull that he would get to see HollyStripe at the gathering. Foxstar had chosen everyone from the trip, and a few more cats. "I can't wait! You've been gone forever!" Timely said as they headed out of camp. "Yeah," he replied distracted. He fell into the back of the line and realised. Whiskertail and cloudstorm had gone into the forest. He snuck behind them as they got further away from the other cats. What are they doing he wondered as they kept walking. Suddenly cloudstorm stopped. CrowFur snuck under a bush by them. "I'm leaving" cloudstorm said. Whiskertail gasped "why!" She asked. CloudStorm exhaled "the trip made me realize that I don't belong here" Whiskertail growled "yes you do! You belong with me!" She said. CloudStorm sighed "I do belong with you, come with me! We can raise great kits in the two leg place!" Whiskertail scoffed, but her tone changed "I'm sure our kits would be fine here to" CrowFur suddenly sneezed. He saw as Whiskertail cried out and followed cloudstorm out of thw forest...

To be continued



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