chapter 14: stones

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They continued walking after they caught a few mice and shrews. Crowfur smiled as they reached the end of the forest they were in. "We are pretty close!" He said to Whiskertail. She didn't answer. Probably chatting with cloudstorm he thought as they continued on. He lapped at a puddle of water as they rested for a minute. Soon they came to the base of the mountains. "Its, so much larger then I thought" Whiskertail said as they began to climb the steep slope. As they got higher there was less grass and a heck of a lot more rocks. Suddenly Nightclaw stopped "look" he said pointing to the sky excitedly with his nose "its an eagle!" Crowfur looked up. A bird was flying very far away in the sky. He couldn't really see it's features, but he could still tell it was a bird. He shivered as it swooped down to the ground. They continued on when it disappeared. The ground underfoot became very rocky and crowfur felt his paws getting scratched. No one talked for a long time until the sun was almost down and they found a very small cavern. "might as well camp here" FlameFeather said. "we'll hunt tomorrow when that eagle is gone" They tried to scratch together some grass and feathers. They laid down as the sun disappeared. Crowfur looked at the sky one last time before we slept. Whiskertail stood next to him. "i wonder if those are anyone's ancestors" she said. Crowfur sat down "probably ours" he said.

They went into the small cavern and laid down. He didn't fall asleep for a while. When he did he almost instantly had a dream. He was running from something, he felt it snapping at his feet. He tumbled down a hill and fell into water. He felt his lungs burn and woke up with a start. Nothing was going on around him. The sun had started to rise above the horizon and the cats were starting to wake up. CrowFur walked outside the make shift den And yawned. In a few moments they were walking through the mountains, but now FlameFeather told them to be alert for prey. CrowFur stopped. He smelled something, probably a mouse. Suddenly the smell of blood was in the air and cloudstorm came out from a large rock carrying a mouse. "Good job!" Nightclaw said. CrowFur muttered under his breath as he took a bite. CrowFur walked behind Nightclaw as the continued on "we took a way different route before" Nightclaw said to FlameFeather. "Yeah, through the twoleg place and every thing" CrowFur stopped listening. He felt his stomach grumble as the sun was high on the sky. FlameFeather laughed "don't worry" she said chuckling "we'll hunt soon CrowFur, don't worry" crowfur fel himself blush under his fur.

They continued on. "we should arrive today or tomorrow" FlameFeather said as she watched a hawk circle something in the distance. Nightclaw sat next to her looking at the bird also "Our life has changed so much" crowfur heard him mumble. Suddenly a screech came from above them. Crowfur looked in horror as an eagle extended it's talons forward him. He stood there in horror as he felt it's talons tear through his skin and grip him. He tried to claw at it as it started to flap his wings. It pecked at his face suddenly when he almost wiggled free. Blood dripped into his eyes and he sliced blindly with his paws. He felt something hit his head and he blacked out. He woke up later that day. He stood up and looked around. Rocks and dirt rolled off of him as he did so. He was sitting on one of the mountain peaks. Stars twinkled above his head. A voice spoke to him "it's not your time crowfur, go back. Beware the storm" He suddenly woke up. Nightclaw was standing over him. He had his head turned and was saying something. Crowfur's head hurt, so did his back. "What happened?" He asked. Nightclaw whipped his head back to face crowfur. "Thank goodness! We thought you were dead!" He sighed In relief. CrowFur tried standing up and Nightclaw helped him.



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( Random moose I saw :P )

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