chapter 8: swim

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Whiskerpaw smiled as she hopped into the apprentice den. The sun was starting to set, crowpaw cheered as she came in. "you didn't tell me y-you where coming tonight!" he said. Whiskerpaw padded over to her nest. "mouseseed wanted me too, she said i'm better and with rainpelt having her kits and all" she scraped her moss closer to the inside of the den, to where Tinypaw, well now TinyTail had slept before. She went to lay down, but quickly remembered ''Oh my starclan, i forgot i came in here to tell you foxstar canceled the gathering, the clouds are covering the moon." The next day she awoke to warm air. She got outside and saw the rain has stopped and the ground was dry. The sun warmed her pelt. Fishpool walked up to her. "you are going to become a true riverclan cat today" she said "you get to swim." Whiskerpaw followed her eagerly next to crowpaw. Orangespot padded behind them. "we should start by the stepping stones, where the river is most calm" he said as they arrived.

Suddenly fishpool ran and splashed into the water, she came up a moment later, her pelt shining. "come in, the water is warm!" she said. Orangespot urged them on. "Soon, you will have an advantage eno other clan has" he said helping them slowly go into he water. what if i drown again!? the thought flashed through her mind. She stepped into the water, instinctively she pushed her paws out from under her. She shot through the water. ''natural swimmer i see"f fishpool said swimming over to her ''that's not a surprise." in the next few days they could properly swim across the river in a few seconds. Moontail had begun to teach her how to fish. One day as she sat by the water cloudstorm was sitting next to her. His young, gray fur shined in string sunlight. He shot his paw forward, but didn't pull out a fish.

He sat up and leaned above thee water. Whiskerpaw shoved him in, he came out soaking wet, smiling. "thanks" he said "that's an exscuse to be warm!" she laughed and moontail nudged her. She had been an apprentice for more than two moons now and the waether changed into new leaf. Luckily having moontail as her mentor made her one of the best fishers in the clan. They returned back to camp with a couple a silver fish and one larger, red one. "want to share?" cloudstorm asked as he saw her looking at it. They dug into it asthey got to camp. "delish!" she said licking her lips. He nodded. She went to sleep that night feeling much better than the day before.



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