Chapter 3

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LAILA JACKSON - Crazy Drama Queen "Actor"


Classes are forever boring. Today's ticked me off. Naomi kept looking at me like I was a criminal. In the pops book, I was.

I note slipped under my arm.

"OMG ur bein stared @"

I looked next to me. It was Laila. She drives herself crazy. Sometimes she can be overly conscious.

I didn't bother writing an answer. I whispered, "I can tell."

She kept looking around.


The words, "Hey Sydney" came out of a bastards mouth, while I was putting away my books.

"What the hell do you want, Matt?"  Matt Langston. The guy was like a male slut. He drank and did all the stuff party boys do. It's repulsive.

He put his hand to my chin. "C'mon. Why don't you give me a chance? Since Luke isn't what you're looking for."

"That's gonna be your pick up line?." I slammed my locker in his face. "You need to grow from a neaderthal, first."

I stuffed my earphones into my ear and walked to class. I shoved myself passed people, in my own world. That was until the someone pulled my earphone out. "What the hell?" I screeched.

"Jeez, Syd, irritable much." Laila said. I calmed down. "So what's wrong with Matt?"

I sighed, "I believe the easier question is what' NOT wrong with Matt?" We both laughed.

Laila is an okay friend. I've known her for awhile. Since she moved here in 4th grade and went all drama queen on our class. Freaking out over her pencil falling and all that. Tessa, Brian, Chase, and I stopped Naomi and her girls from picking on her. Laila really hasn't change, she breaks down now and then, just not as frequently.

"Later Syd," She said and she headed for her drama club. I heard the people when I walked by there.

"Why do you hang with her?" They said in their dramtic tones.


"Hey, kiddo," My dad said when I walked in. Dad, no mom. She died a year ago.

"Hey Syd." I froze on my way up the stairs. "Since you won't talk to me at school here's the solution."


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