Chapter 4

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LUKE HAYES - #1 Guy. Unattainable. (Naomi has dibs)


I slammed the door shut, despite the "no closed doors when a boy is in your room" rule set by my dad. I don't think this is a problem.

"You like slamming things, now, don't you?" Luke said from my bed. I took a quick glance at him. He looked comfortable there, sprawled out.

I just sat down at my desk and finished my homework. "Why won't you talk? We are friends," he continues.

I swirled around in my swirly chair. "One, I already told you. Two, we used to be friends. We stopped after you became popular." I said to him. But I murmured that last part.

He was standing next to me. "Yes, you did. That doesn't apply here. And used to be? We aren't friends."

"Not since Mom died." I mumbled.

"What does that have to do with...?" He was smart enough to stop talking. You know you really mess up when you see sadness on my face. I usually don't cry. Except at funerals and like the last show of "Friends". Man, that show was funny. Broken bones bring out tears as well.

"I'm sorry, Sydney. Didn't mean to go that far. I can go..." Luke said.

I sighed, "No, it's okay. But did I really have an excuse to go over to your house, when it usually was because of my mom?"

He thought about it. "That's right you usually came with your mom. You stayed longer than she did, though."

I nodded. I came in a car, but walked home.

"Well, you can come back anytime. You won't face stares after school." He said. We both laughed. "But seriously, it's nice to hear your voice again."

"Can't say the say the same for yours." I replied and smiled

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