Chapter 31

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Carter and Tessa walked up to me as soon as I got out of my car the next morning. "What?" I asked grabbing my bag.

"You've decided. Haven't you?" Tessa said quietly.

I looked at her, slightly annoyed. "Maybe. I'm still not completely sure about this." I leaned on my car door.

Carter cleared his throat. "I agree with everything Tessa said last night. I've never seen you smile like you have when you were with him. Luke hasn't been on the top of his game."

"So this is because of football?" I said, my anger flared a bit. People were bothering me over him. I've had enough of it.

"No, but you know what I mean." Carter defended. "He's not thinking straight. There is something else bothering him. You can hear it when he talks to you. He's thinking about something else but trying not to."

"You, my friend, haven't been on the top of your game either." Tessa said. "You keep missing rhythm. And you're our rhythm guitarist."

I walked pass them. Not wanting to deal with this shit. You have a whole day of school before you have to think about this again. School, nothing else. I thought to myself.

After that last bell rang, I ran out of the school. I didn't need to deal with my friends or anyone else for that matter. I had to walk past him, though. His last class was on the way to the parking lot. I caught his eye. It was like everything slowed down. Everyone passed in a blur. He looked away and it sped up again.

I closed the door to my car. I was loving the peace and quiet. Soon enough I had to leave. It was a miracle that no one reached me on my war out of the parking lot. But it waited for me at home.

"So have you decided whether or not you're going to date Luke?" Alana asked me from the top of the stairs. I climbed up the stairs.

"I don't know yet, sis." I told her.

She looked disappointed. Then happy again. "Well decide quickly, Dad say you have to pick up Mackenzie and drop us off at the movies. All my friends are going."

I mentally face palmed myself. That would mean that I would have to go to Luke's, wait for them to get ready, and take them to the mall. Oh, Jesus Christ.


"I have to what?" Luke asked his little sister.

She looked at herself in the mirrior, holding up a shirt. "You have to come with me, Alana, and Sydney to the movies. Mom wouldn't let me go without you. Even if Sydney was coming. My other friends will be there, too."

"Like who?" He asked.

"Like Tessa's little brother, Ryan." She started listing them off.

"I didn't know Tessa had a little brother."

"Well, she does. Then there's Rosie and Philip. I think Lisa is coming. James is I know that..." She trailed off. "You have a couple hours before they come to pick us up."


I dialed Tessa. "Tessa, I hear you're coming tonight?"

"Oh, yeah that pre-teen thing. Ugh! At least I know you're going. I hear another one of the kids have an older brother who is, like, in college that's coming."

"That's great and all. I have to go pick up Mackenzie." I said looking at the clock. "I have to go get ready."

I hung up before she could answer. I decided on a simple shirt and jeans. I grabbed my jacket and called Alana down. I waited outside for her. It was already dark.

"Buckle up." I told😪 her and started the car.

We arrived at the Hayes home and went in. Mackenzie came downstairs along with... Luke. "You're coming, too?" I asked.

"Have to. She can't go unless I do." He explained.

This was going to be fun. I drove us all to the cinema. Luke sat up front with me while the girls talked and squealed in the back. They were so excited to see... "Madagascar" well, Alana always loved Mort or whatever that little guy's name is. I just had to sit through it.

When we got in, Tessa was already sitting next to the supposed college kid. She looked like she was having the time of her life.

I sat down next to her. I rolled my eyes when she didn't even greet me and continued chatting away with the brother of little James. Poor kid. I'm talking about the college dude. Just to clarify that.

Luke sat next to me. When the movie started, I was ready to tear my eyes out. To be honest I used to Madagascar, I just wasn't in the mood. I rather talk to Luke about... No, you know what I need food.

I turned to Tessa but she was paying attention and hand holding the other guy. So..."Luke," I whispered. He didn't look particularly intrested in the movie. It was quite funny though.


"Wanna get candy with me?" I asked.

He got up. I went down the stairs faster than him. I was eager for food. I practically ran to the counter. "A box of Buncha Crunch. Please." I said. The food was so overpriced in a movie theater. It's such a rip off. I paid the cashier and opened the box. "Crunch?" I offered Luke as we walked back.

He shook his head. We were about to enter the theater. But... "Luke, wait." I said grabbing his wrist to stop him. I leaned back on the wall.

He waited for me, looking me in the eye. "Look, Sydney." He started. "If this about what I said the other day. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put the pressure on yo-"

I stopped. I put my free hand on the back of his neck. I pulled him to me. My lips met his. I had made my desicion. Probably a while ago. I didn't know I had. Maybe it was talking to him after football practice. Or When I saw him walking out of class. I guess that's why I still wanted to be his friend.

His hands went to my waist, holding me closer. I broke this kiss for a second. "Y'know, sometimes you talk to much. It just drives me insane when you ramble." I whispered. He smiled. He pressed his lips to mine. The only thing between us was my Buncha Crunch.

There was an excited sqeual. That broke us for the second time. We looked next to us. It was Tessa, Alana, and Mackenzie. Tessa was smiling, Alana was the one that squealed and now was jumping up and down clapping, and Mackenzie just looked plain old shocked.

"Sorry, they wanted to know where you went. I didn't know. So we came to look for you...and..." Tessa tried to explain. Luke and I just laughed.


A/N This was the last chapter of the book, I might post an epilogue if I have time. NO SEQUEL but I have other stories up. Check them out

Well, yeah. Hoped you liked this story.

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