Chapter 12

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"Ready, Al?" I asked. She nodded and I grabbed my bag. The drive to Luke's house didn't take more than ten minutes from my house.

When we got there, I rang the doorbell. I squeezed Alana's hand. She smiled. Luke opened the door. "Sydney? And Alana!" He said.

She gave him a hug. He mouthed to me, "Why?"

I just shrugged and walked in. "Mackenzie!" Luke yelled.

There was thuds from someone coming down the stairs. Mackenzie stopped at the landing, "What is she doing here?"

"Because we're friends." Alana spoke bravely.

Mackenzie shook her head. "No, we're not."

I took a step forward, "That's why I'm here. We need to work this out." I brought the two to the couch. I sat between them. "Now, what is this about?"

We settled this in about an hour. The two left Luke and me to go settle some other problems when they realized how easy it was to compromise. Or it was to go check Facebook.

I sat on the couch tired, my face in a pillow. Somebody sat next to me and said, "Thanks."

I smiled and put the pillow down. Luke's face was the first thing I saw. He grabbed my hands and smiled. "You are amazing." He continued.

I nodded. "I try to be." We both laughed a little. Our faces we gradually getting closer. Then Alana came in.

"Sydney, I'm ready to go." She said. Luke and I snapped out of each other's trance.

"Okay," I picked up my stuff and followed Alana to the door.

Right as I was closing the door, Luke caught it. "Seriously, thanks."

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