Chapter 30

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To be or not to be? That is a good question for right now. To be or not to be with Luke. I could live without him. But do I want to? I like hanging out with him. I would have to leave this to someone else. Not my friends they wouldn't give me a straight answer.

Someone that I knew nothing about what had happened lately. "ALANA," I yelled when I got home. I heard someone climb down the stairs.

"Yeah, Syd?" She asked. I gestured for her tio sit with me on the couch. I was leaving this choice to my little sister.

I sighed. She was waiting for me to say something. So I did. "Al, what do you think of Luke?" She was stunned at my question but gave it thought. I knew I could count on her.

"I don't know, Sydney. He's really nice to me whenever we go over there. He's funny, too. I know he makes you smile. I see it everytime we go to his house or he comes over here with Mackenzie. I can tell he's smart, too. Because he helps me and Mackenzie with our homework. And as Mom would say, he's easy on the eyes. I don't know why you wouldn't talk to him for the longest time." She looked at me waiting to judge her answer.

I smiled at her. "Thank you for your honesty, little sis." I said.

"Why do you need to know what I think of him? Are you like dating him or something?" She asked curiously. "I mean I would totally understand why." She added.

"Thank you, Alana." I said pushing her a little.

"If you aren't. You should. He looks at you like you are the world. And he brings out the smile I haven't seen since Mom died. I know you care about him. He does care about you, too. Mackenzie told me. You shouldn't care about what other people think, y'know? It ruins everything. But it's totally up to you if you love him or not..." She trailed off as she went up the stairs.

Geez, my little sister is so observant. Maybe I should ask her stuff more often.

I thought about what she told me. She told me she likes Luke and I should go for it. I don't know about it.

"Hey, Sydney." Tessa answered the phone.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Well, what did Alana say?"

"She likes him, thinks he's good for me."

She sighed. "I know you don't want to hear this. But I agree with her. He is good for you. You know it, too. I'm sorry to say this but you were happy. Before you always seemed like something was missing. I thought it was your mom. I found out that the problem was right smack in my face. Then you were dating  him. You were five times happier. Now you are messed up. You are over analyzing everything. You're thinking twice. That's not you. For God's sake you listened to Matt. Carter and Luke haven't gotten along lately. But Carter tell me that something is off with Luke. He's losing speed and accuracy, or something like that. He was slow but not this slow when you weren't talking to him. When you started hanging with Luke again. Luke was fast as lightning."

"In short?" I asked.

Tessa was serious. She knew what she was talking about. "You need him and he needs you."

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