Chapter 6

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On our way of Luke's house, a little girl ran into me. She wasn't that little, she was about 12 years-old. "Sydney," She said.

"Mackenzie, long time, no see." I replied. I hugged her. Mackenzie was Luke's little sister, and she is easier to get along with. She doesn't look like him much though. Her hair is much lighter than his.

She looked up at me, "Why haven't you visited in awhile?" I was like her big sister. My sister Alana and her were friends in 2nd grade.

I just shrugged, "I've been really busy."

"Oh, and Tessa!" Mackenzie exclaimed. She gave Tessa a hug, too. We smiled down at her.

"How was school, Macs?" Luke asked his little sister.

She slung her backpack onto the couch. "It was fine."

"It usually is. We've gotta go, bye Mackenzie." I said.

Luke and Mackenzie followed us to the door. "So no good-bye to me?" Luke said.

I laughed and got into my car. After a mile or two, Tessa spoke up. "That was fun."

I glanced at her. "I guess," I mumbled.


I walked through the empty halls of school. I decided to skip last period. Friday, might as well get early start on the weekend. Although, I couldn't leave. Tessa was my ride. I was bored. I went to the roof of Westside. I was shocked at what I saw when I got there.

No one was up there, if that was what you were thinking. No, when I looked around, it was the field. It's weird, people making kissy face. Oh, but I saw this coming. Can you guess? Seems fairly obvious. Luke and... Wait for it... Naomi.

I turned away and stared at the horizon, until the bell rang. I sorted through my thoughts. I don't care. Why should I? Then why does my stomach feel like it is turning? It might be just because he is my friend. I would care if it were Brian, Chase, or Carter. Yeah, that's it. It's just because of evil Naomi.

"Time for band." I muttered to myself. "If I have a problem, I can just talk to Tes. Or Carts." It's strange, but Carter is friends with Luke. They are both in football.


"We are finally done." Brian said. "For today."

I set down my guitar on its stand and walked over to Carter. "Carts, does Luke have a girlfriend?"

"No," he said plainly.

I thought it over, "Not even Naomi."


"That's hard to believe." I muttered.

He stopped cleaning up his drum set. "Why do you care? Do you want to be his girlfriend? I can be your wingman."

I shoved him, but he was kidding. We both were laughing. "No, I just..."

"Like him." Carter laughed again. "If it'll make you feel better, I'll talk to him."

"Ugh, you don't have to." I said.

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