Chapter 1 Desolation and Relocation

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Death, that is all that surrounded Harry Potter, death and destruction. Every person he had ever cared about was dead. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Remus, Fred and George and so many others. Harry was left all alone to face the Dark Lord, in the end he won but at a cost. Harry was dying, he had received too many injuries and his life's blood was draining from him. But he welcomed death, Harry was tired, tired of being the hero, tired of being the savior of his world, mostly he was tired of living. He was hurting, alone and defeated.

Harry bypassed the Great Hall, where those who were wounded were being treated by Madam Pomfrey. He didn't want her help or anyone else's for that matter, He climbed the stairs up to Gryffindor tower where he went to lay in his bed and waited for death. Slowly his eyes slipped closed, he was enveloped in warm glow, he sighed as his body relaxed as death took him.

He opened his eyes expecting to be with his loved ones but found himself alone in a void. Harry looked around completely confused, when he saw a figure standing just a short ways from him. She was dressed in black with white flowing hair. Harry immediately got into a defensive stance whipping out his wand and pointing it at the woman.

"Where am I, who are you?" Harry demanded.

The lady in black raised her hands in a sign of surrender. "Peace, Harry Potter, I mean you no harm. I am Nienna the Lady of Mercy."

Harry didn't relax his grip on his wand. "What do you want?"

"To give you a second chance at life."

Startled, Harry lowers his wand. "I'm dead?"

"For now yes, but we would like to change that. We have watched you for a very long time, Harry Potter, and have seen all that you have suffered, we would like to offer you another chance at life. a fresh start in a new land."

Harry looked down at his feet, "I don't deserve a second chance, I failed to protect them."

"You did your best to protect those you love, but that is the way of war. Nevertheless there is no one more deserving than you for a second chance, your life has been nothing but sorrow and misery and you have moved us."

"Us?" Harry questions.

"We are the Valar, gods of Arda and we would like to give you a second chance at life in Middle Earth, where you will be loved and looked after."

"What if I decide to stay dead, then what will happen?" Harry asks

Then you will move on into the afterlife, where your family and friends will be waiting for you. But I do not think that your friends that gave up their lives would want you to pass up this opportunity."

Harry thought for a moment, Nienna was right. His family and friends would want him to have the opportunity to be happy, he couldn't squander this gift he was being given.

"Would I still have my magic?"

"Yes that will not be taken from you, do you accept our offer?" Nienna asks.

Harry nods, "Yes I accept your offer."

"Good then we will send you to Middle earth and put you in the right path," She waved her hand and a bright light engulfed Harry.

"You will revert to a child when you enter Middle Earth."

Harry's eyes widened, "Wait, What?"

But it was too late he was gone. The next time he opened his eyes he found himself in the middle of the forest at night. Harry put his hand to his head and groaned.

"Oh my head," That's when he noticed that his voice was a lot higher.

He looked down at himself and noticed that he was a lot shorter than he was, seeing a stream nearby, Harry got up and walked towards the stream. There was a full moon so he could see his face in the reflection of the stream. He was a child again, though he was shorter and stockier than he was as a child. He was still cut up and bruised his clothes soaked in blood. Suddenly Harry hears a twig snap behind him, he whirls around and comes face to face with a man, or so he thought was a man, with a short black beard, long black hair with a little grey in it holding a sword. Harry immediately pulls out his wand, but with so much blood loss, he collapsed on the cold ground.

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