Chapter 8 Goblin Town

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Thorin had been listening to the entire conversation that the boys were having with Haraldur, he felt so terrible. Of course he didn't hate the Dwarfling, he could never hate Haraldur, he had grown to care very much for the little boy, almost as much as he did his nephews, maybe even a bit more. That was the reason he worried so much about him, the little boy was slowly taking over his heart.

But now Haraldur had convinced himself that Thorin hated him and that he had abandoned him because he was a burden. Thorin knew he had broken the fragile trust he had built with the boy. Thorin lay there long after everyone had gone to sleep thinking about what he was going to do with Haraldur, He could not let him go back alone to Rivendell, and he could not send someone from his company to take him. He had no other choice but to bring the child along with him.

As Thorin lay there, he hears yet another problem that has arisen, the Hobbit wanting to leave them as well, once again because of him. He sighed as it seemed that Bofur was handling the problem. Thorin was about to go back to sleep when he heard Bofur ask the Hobbit.

"What's that?"

That's when Thorin heard a creeping and a rumbling and noticed the dirt falling away.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

Suddenly the floor fell away, the Dwarfs go tumbling down a tunnel crashing into rocks as they go careening out of control. Thorin's thoughts were on Haraldur and how badly he must be getting injured. They keep falling for what seems like forever, until they land on a platform, each Dwarf land on the one underneath. Thorin has no time to search for Haraldur as they are swarmed by Goblins.

The Goblins, man handle the Dwarves and begin to lead them to who knows where. All the Dwarves are complaining and fighting back except for one, Haraldur has his head down and simply allows the Goblins to push him around and beat him. Thorin sees this, he tries desperately to get back to where Haraldur is.

"Haraldur!" He screams, trying to get the boy's attention, but Haraldur makes no effort to even look at Thorin. The Dwarfling has already resigned himself to whatever fate awaits him.

Haraldur didn't care anymore, he was convinced that the one Dwarf he was closest to, that he looked up to, hated his guts, so it didn't matter to him what these savage Goblins did to him. If it led to his death he would welcome it, after all he had nothing to live for. Harry should have known, he would never find happiness or a family in any world he came to, it was his cursed being Harry Potter.

Bilbo and the Dwarves are led along a walk way still being hit, poked, and prodded, but they begin to leave Haraldur and Bilbo behind. Bilbo drops to his knees and tries to pull Haraldur down with him, but the boy yanks free from Bilbo's hold and continues on with the others.

"Haraldur, Haraldur!" Bilbo whisper yells, but Haraldur pays him no mind, he trudges on after the others with his head hanging  low.

All that can be heard is the chattering of the Goblins as they are led further down the tunnel until they reach the center of what seems like a city build in the middle of a dump. A giant horrid looking Goblin begins to sing a terrible tune. Once he has finished the goblins lay the Dwarves weapons at the Goblin Kings feet including what appears to be a useless stick, that Haraldur gave up willingly along with his sword and knife.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies, thieves, assassins?"

"Dwarves, your malevolence." A Goblin answers.


"We found them on the front porch."

"Well don't just stand there search them! Every crack every crevice."

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