Chapter 3 Leaving the Shire and The Trolls

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The Company was up bright and early the next morning preparing their ponies and supplies to leave Bree, Haraldur comes stomping out of the Inn, proud of his new Dwarven boots, following behind Thorin. The little Dwarfling trying to walk like Thorin, Nori whispers to Bofur.

"Look at mini Thorin over there." They both begin to chuckle. Thorin glares at them, shutting them up instantly, but he smirks as he walks away. He turns around to see that indeed the little Dwarfling was trying to walk like him, this only made Thorin smile even more.

Thorin and Company went to the stables to gather their ponies, packed their supplies and left Bree, This time traveling all day until they left the Shire far behind. They camped on an outcropping overlooking a valley, camp was quickly set up, now that Haraldur had his new boots he helped Bifur and Bofur gather wood for the fire. He watched as Bombur prepared the evening meal. Shyly he walked up to Bombur.

"Can I help with dinner, Bombur, I'm a real good cook." Harry informes Bombur.

Bombur chuckles, "Are you now, Lad?"

"Yes, I've been cooking for my Aunt and Uncle and Cousin since I was very little."

The entire Company turns and stares at Haraldur once again shocked, they could not understand what type of Dwarves would make a child cook. Bilbo being closest to the boy made the connection between the burns on the boys a hands and him cooking.

"Is that how you got the scars on your hands, Haraldur?" Bilbo asks

Haraldur looks down at his hands, then looks up at the Hobbit. "No that was my punishment for whenever I burned dinner."

Bilbo's eyes widen at such cruelty, Thorin's head snapped in the boy's direction when he heard the explanation for the burns, his pipe nearly falling from his mouth. Seeing the shocked look on everyone's faces Haraldur began to backpedal.

"But, I'm a much better cook now! Please, Bombur, let me help with dinner, it is the least I can do."

Bombur looked at Haraldur then at Thorin who gave him a small nod. Bombur smiled down at the Dwarfling.

"Alright, Lad, I'll let you cut the meat and the vegetables. Mind that you don't cut yourself, the knife is very sharp."

Haraldur nods, and swiftly gets to work cutting up the meat, vegetables and some potatoes. Bombur puts everything into the pot adds some salt and other spices in it and sets it over the fire to cook. Meanwhile everyone sits back relaxing until dinner is ready, talking and telling stories. Haraldur went and sat with Bilbo who was having a cup of tea, much to Thorin's displeasure. He didn't like or trust the Hobbit, especially around  Haraldur, but as it seemed they were only having tea, Thorin allowed it for now.

Haraldur asked Bilbo where he was from and Bilbo began to tell him tales about his little town and about his childhood, about his parents, about how exactly he got roped into going on this adventure.

"And where are you from, Haraldur, where is your family?"

Haraldur hadn't noticed that the entire camp had fallen silent waiting for the boy's response. Haraldur took a deep shuttering breath.

"Dead, everyone is dead. My parents died when I was a year old and the rest of my family just died a few days ago." Haraldur tells Bilbo with his eyes beginning to well up with tears.

Thorin seeing this, Immediately stands up, making his way towards Bilbo and Haraldur, he snatches the boy into his arms. Thorin glares at the little Hobbit for making Haraldur relive his tragedy. Thorin begins to rub Haraldur's back whispering to him in Khuzdul to calm him down. Haraldur was amazed that he understood everything Thorin was saying to him. He put his head on Thorin shoulder as tears slowly leaked from Haraldur's eyes.

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