Chapter 10 Beorn

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The next morning Gandalf, Bilbo, and the Company made their way down off the Carrock, it was slow going and took them several hours. Dori carried Haladur most of the way down, though the boy insisted he could walk on his own, they did not want to risk him getting injured. The sun was setting by the time they reached the bottom. They camped at the bottom with no fire, In his sleep Haraldur scoots closer to Thorin for warmth. Thorin wraps an arm around the shivering boy. At dawn Gandalf decides that someone has to scan ahead to see if they are in any danger, Haraldur instantly volunteers to go, much to the protest of Thorin and the Company.

"No, my boy, this calls for a stealthy approach, I shall send our burglar." Gandalf informs him, Haraldur gives a huff but accepts Gandalf's decision.

With that, Bilbo scrambles over the rocks to see where the Orc pack is. He looks out and sees them riding in the distance but as the Orc pack passes Bilbo see something else, some creature perched on a rock peering out over the distance. Slowly and quietly Bilbo slips back towards the Company.

"How close is the pack?" Thorin asks.

"Too close, a couple of leagues, no more." Bilbo answers.

Haldur pulls on Thorin's pant leg to get his attention, Thorin looks down at the boy.

"Thorin, I could send out my Patronus to distract them, maybe they'll follow it." Haraldur suggests.

"You mean the silver stag that we saw in the tunnels?" Thorin thought for a moment, "No, little one, I don't think that's a good idea, they may back track it to find us."

Bilbo cuts in, "But, Thorin, you haven't heard the worst of it."

"The Wargs have picked up our scent?" Dwalin asks.

"Not yet, but they will do, we have another problem." Bilbo says.

"Did they see you?" Gandalf asks.


"They saw you."

"No, that's not it." Bilbo tells Gandalf.

Gandalf smiles, "What did I tell you, Quiet as a mouse, excellent burglar material." The Dwarves murmur in agreement.

Bilbo is getting exasperated, "Will you listen? Will you just listen? I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there."

"What form did it take, like a bear?" Gandalf asks.

"Y-yes, but bigger, much bigger."

Bofur asks Gandalf if he knew about the beast, he suggests that they double back, but Thorin reasons that they'll be run down by thhe Orc pack. The whole time Gandalf is contemplating of their options.

"There is a house… it's not far from here, where we might take refuge."

Thorin pulls Haraldur closer to him, "Whose house, are they friend or foe?"

"Neither, he will help us, or he will kill us" Gandalf informs them.

"What choice do we have?" Thorin asks.


Thorin reaches down to pick up Haraldur as they are about to start running toward the house, but Dwalin stops him.

"You're still injured, Thorin, give the lad to me." Dwalin says as he takes Haraldur from him.

"Hold on tight now, Lad." Dwalin tells Harldur.

Haraldur grips on with all of his might but makes sure not to strangle the Dwarf. With Haraldur holding on tightly, Dwalin takes off running. They run all morning into the afternoon across fields, streams and into the woods, once in the woods they can hear the beast roaring ferociously.

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