Chapter 22 Their New Healer

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Dwalin and Balin escort Tauriel into Erebor, She is in awe at the size of Erebor, she thought that it would be dark and filthy place to live, but is completely wrong. There is a majestic air about the place, even though there many area that Smaug destroyed. As they continued their way up to the Royal Halls many of the Dwarves look at her suspiously. Tauriel ignores them and continues to follow Dwalin down the Royal Halls.

They enter Ferin's bedroom where they find Thorin sitting there holding onto Haraldur's tiny hand, He looks up when he hears the the door creak open. Seeing that it's only Balin, Dwalin, he turns back to Haraldur. He doesn't notice Tauriel standing in the shadows.

"Did you get to talk to the She-Elf?" Thorin asks Balin.

"Aye, Thorin, she is right here." Balin says.

With that annoucement, Tauriel steps out of the shadows. She gets closer to the bed after greeting Thorin with a bow, Thorin acknowledges the gesture by inclining his head.

"How is he doing, Your Majesty?"

"He seems to be doing alright, he stirred in his sleep a little while ago. That is the reason I sent for you, but it must have been a dream because he settled down shortly after Balin and Dwalin left."

"Then I shall take my leave." Tauriel tells Thorin.

"You do not need to leave, Tauriel, my offer still stands. I need someone to watch over him as I tend to the affairs of Erebor.  What better person to watch him than you, and just so you know you may stay in Erebor as long as you want."

"Thank you, King Thorin, I will guard him with my life."

Thorin yawns and stretches, this has been a long day. He hasn't even had chance to bathe, his hair was matted. He was covered with Orc blood from head to toe. He stands up, stretches again then turns to Tauriel.

"Since you are here to keep watch over Haraldur, I am going to bathe."

Thorin hobbles his way to his wardrobe to see if he has any clothes that still might fit him, and did not smell of dragon dung. Once he finds something suitable he goes to the bathroom to take his bath. He scrubs every part of his body, paying close attention to his hair.

When he come out of the bathroom, he goes into the adjacent room to check on Haraldur. He sees that Haraldur hasn't stirred while he bathed. As he comes closer to the bed, he hears Tauriel singing to Haraldur in Elvish.

"What kind of song is that?" Thorin asks.

"It is a lullabye that the Elf mothers sing to their Elflings."

Thorin nods then  goes to sit in the chair closer to the Dwarfling. Tauriel looks at Thorin, who looks like death warmed over.

"King Thorin, why do you not go rest, I will stay with Haraldur."

"No, I cannot leave my son."

"You need to rest as well, what good will you be if you can not keep your eyes open. Besides you can hear everything through the open door."

Thorin thinks about it, then he agrees. Thorin leans down to kiss Haraldur forehead, then goes into his bedroom to sleep.  While he had been bathing, Bofur and Bombur had gathered enough skins to make Thorin'sbed more or less comfortable.

'I will have to thank Bofur and Bombur when I get up.' Thorin thinks.

He takes off his robe and climbs into bed, as soon as his head hit the pillow, Thorin was out cold. The last thought that he had before he falls asleep is that he will sleep for an hour then go back to Haraldur.

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