Chapter 15 Facing Smaug

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With a pop Haraldur appeared right next to Thorin, he doesn't even bother to look down. "I thought I told you to not to follow us." Thorin tells Haraldur.

"I didn't follow you, I apparated to you. So, technically I didn't disobey you, besides you should have known I would find a way to get up here without disobeying you."

Fine but you will wait out here with the others, I'm going in." Thorin tells the little Dwarfling.

To be on the safe side Bombur wraps an arm around Haraldur. A few moment pass and Thorin still has not come out of the mountain, Dwalin becomes impatient.

"We, cannot wait any longer Lads, I'm going in." The others agree.

"If you're going so am I." Haraldur says firmly, gripping his wand tightly.

Dwalin looks at the boy, he wants to forbid him, but he knows Haraldur will go in anyway. He might as well go in with them than wander around Erebor lost.

"Alright, but you stick close and if Thorin or I tell you to run you damn well better listen." Dwalin tells the Dwarfling, he kneels in front of Haraldur. "We may not survive this, Lad, it would have been better if you had stayed in Lake-Town."

"That's alright, Dwalin, I'd rather die with you all than live my life alone, besided I've already died once before." Haraldur says as he enters the mountain before everyone else.

The Dwarves look at each other as if the little Dwarfling has gone mad, but they admire his bravery. One by one they follow him inside. Further on ahead they can hear Thorin talking to Bilbo asking for the Arkenstone, they suddenly hear the tell tale rumbling of a dragon, they prepare themselves to rush out. With a mighty yell they run out of the corridor to see Smaug rushing towards them. Smaug was the biggest dragon Haraldur had ever seen, even bigger than the Hungarian Horntail and it could talk.

"You will Burn! Smaug growls out.


They all jump off the side of the little bridge into the gold barely avoiding the spray of Dragon Fire. Thorin is not so lucky, his coat catches fire. He falls into the room tumbles to the ground taking off his coat, then immediately pops back up onto his feet.

"Come on." He pauses when he sees Haraldur. Thorin looks to Dwalin for an explanation.

"You know the boy would have followed us anyway." Dwalin says.

Thorin nods and picks up Haraldur, hold him close to his chest.

"Foolish, boy." He whispers to Haraldur.

"No more than you facing a fire breathing dragon." Haraldur counters.

In the Dwarves wander in the dim light of the mountain. Thorin shushes the Company, listening for Smaug, he sets Haraldur down for the time being.

"We've given him the slip." Dori whispers.

"No, he's too cunning for that." Dwalin says.

"Where to now?" Bilbo asks.

"The Western guardroom, there may be a way out."

"It's too high, there's no chance that way." Balin tells Thorin.

"It's our only chance, we have to try."

They head out across the bridge slowly and quietly as possible, looking all around for Smaug.

"Come on." Thorin says as he hold Haraldur's hand.

Suddenly a coins begin to falls, Thorin stops right in his tracks. Bilbo searches himself to see if he has any coins in his coat then they see them fall from above, Smaug is passing over them. Quietly they continue on while the dragon growls and continues his search.

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