Chapter 11 Mirkwood and its Elves

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Haraldur enters the the forest behind Balin and almost immediately is hit with a sense of dark magic and an oppressing feeling, as if the very air lay heavy upon him. He looks around concerned, not even the Forbidden Forest felt this bad. He wonders what horrible creatures could be hiding in here, he shutters at the thought.

They continue to head deeper into the forest following the battered Elven trail. Every now and then, Haraldur casts the Point Me spell to make sure it still works. He wants to have a back up plan just in case they do lose the trail. They walk for hours, the deeper they walk into the forest the darker it gets. The Dwarves light torches but it draws the attention of giant moths, and other foul creature. Haraldur flicks his wand, draws his wand back and flicks it again while uttering the incantation.

"Lumnos Maxima!"

A blinding flash of bright white light from the tip of Haraldur's wand is produced. It illuminates the surrounding area for several minutes driving back the beasts that lurk in the shadows. Once it goes dark again, Haraldur utters another incantantation.


Which gives off just enough light for them to see that whatever was watching them has now fled. Haraldur keeps the tip of his wand lit while Thorin and Dwalin lead the way. After another few hours they decide to make camp. Since they can't light a fire without attracting the moths, they all eat dried meats and fruits rationing out their water. Haraldur is worried that they may run out of water before they run out of food, but he's fairly confident that he can produce more if he needs to.

The next day they begin their trek through the forest once again, once again Haraldur casts his Point Me spell to make sure they're still following the Elven Road. As they walk through the forest, it begins to feel like the air is becoming more oppressive.

"Air, I need air!" Bofur says.

"My head, it's swimming!" Oin declares.

They continue, for what seems like forever, down the Elven Road. Every now and then losing sight of it, but finding it again. Until they come to the enchanted river and a broken bridge.

"We found the bridge." Kili informs the others.

Bofur suggest that they swim it, but Thorin reminds him that a dark magic lies upon the forest and that the waters are enchanted.

"We must find another way across." Thorin tells them.

They all look around for ways to cross the river, when Kili notices the vines in the trees that go all the way across.

"These look strong enough." Kili says as he takes hold of one and is about to hoist himself up.

"Kili, we send the lightest first." Thorin tells him.

All eyes turn to Bilbo, but then they hear a noise behind them and Haraldur has already scrambled his way up the vines and is crossing the river.

Thorin looks on in horror, "Haraldur, come down from there right now!" Thorin bellows.

"You said that the lightest should go first," Haraldur says as he continues to cross, "I am the lightest one, don't worry, Thorin, I'll be fine." Haraldur says with a smile.

All Thorin can do is watch as the Dwarfling makes his way across, his heart in his throat as Haraldur nearly slips off the vine half way across. Deeming it safe the rest of the Dwarves begin to crosss using the vines. By the time Haraldur makes it across Bilbo and the others are already half way across, with Thorin in the lead.

Thorin comes to land next to Haraldur, "Don't ever do that again."

"But you said-"

"I know what I said, I didn't mean you. But since you made it across safely, we'll forget the whole thing."

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