Chapter 26 The Arrival Of Dis

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The months went by and Haraldur's help was invaluable. With his magic, the Dwarves were able to repair many parts of Erebor that would have taken months if not years to repair or replace. Haraldur was more than happy to help his father's kingdom in any way he could, he worked very hard at the repairs, but Tauriel was always with him to make sure he did not exhaust himself. Slowly the residents of the mountain began to appreciate their little Dwarfling Wizard and regard him as their king's son.

And while the reconstruction of Erebor continued, Thorin received a letter from his sister Dis, informing them that they were now halfway to Erebor and should arrive in a few weeks or month if all things went well. That they had not seen a single sign of any Orcs throughout there travels so far.  This pleased Thorin to no end, it proved that the Battle of the Five Armies had scared the Orcs enough for them to go into hiding at least for a while. He goes to his study and writes a letter to Thranduil asking for permission to have his people use the Elven road to cross Mirkwood, Thorin, of course, would pay handsomely for their safe passage. Calling for a raven, Thorin attaches the letter to the raven and sends it on its way.

Several days later, Thorin gets a response from Thranduil, accepting payment for the safe crossing of the Dwarves of Ered Luin. Thorin sends Fili, Balin, and Dori, to with two large trunks full of gold to Mirkwood to negotiate. It took three days for all the arrangement to be made and the payment to be accepted. Once Fili, Balin, and Dori returned and informed Thorin, he wrote a letter to Dis telling her to take the Elven road through Mirkwood. That their way had been paid and that they would be safe. Thorin couldn't wait for the arrival of his sister, he couldn't wait to introduce her to her new nephew. They also had to make plans for his coronation and Haraldur's official adoption. Plus they had to discuss Kili potentially marrying Tauriel. Thorin thought that might be a little hard for Dis to swallow, but when he explains that she helped care for Haraldur in Mirkwood and at the Elven camp and is now a loyal subject and pledged to the house of Durin to forever guard Haraldur, she may accept it. Not to mention that her son is completely in love with the elf maiden.

While Haraldur was busy with the reconstruction, Thorin was busy negotiating with the Iron Hills for food supplies in exchange for weapons and gold. Soon a month went by without them even noticing and one day the horns of Erebor announced the arrival of the caravan from Ered Luin. Fili, Kili, and the Company rushed to the entrance to watch the arrival, Thorin made his way at a much slower pace, carrying Haraldur in his arms. The little Dwarfling was hesitant about meeting his new aunt and the rest of their people.

"What if she doesn't like me," Haraldur whispered in Thorin's ear.

Thorin chuckles and kisses the boy's cheek, "Do not worry my son, your aunt will adore you as I do," Thorin says as he goes to stand next to Gloin.

"And with the arrival of the caravan, you'll get to meet my wee lad Gimli," Gloin tells the Dwarfling.

"Really?" Haraldur asks as his eyes shine at the thought of meeting another Dwarfling.

"Aye, Lad, he will be traveling with his Amad. And I know that you and he will get along just fine."

"I hope so," Haraldur tells Gloin.

All the inhabitants from the mountain have come to the entrance by this point to greet the newcomers as they slowly make their way up the mountain. When finally they reach the entrance, many go out to greet them. Thorin waits for the carriage that Dis is in to come closer when it finally stops, Fili and Kili race towards it and opens the door. Fili offers his hand to help his mother get out, the minute she gets out, she is engulfed in a hug by both of her sons.

"Amad, we missed you so much!" Kili says as he clings to his mother.

"And I missed you, my sons, oh just let me look at you," Dis says as she pulls away to get a good look at her sons.

"You both look a little thin," Dis tells them as she raises an eyebrow.

"The journey was long and difficult, Amad, but we were able to accomplish what we set out to do, thanks to our new cousin." Kili blurted out, Fili elbowed him in the side.

"Cousin, what cousin? Where is your Uncle, Fili?"

Fili sighs, he was going to wait and have Thorin explain but Kili had to open his big mouth, "He's at the entrance with Haraldur, come, mother, let us take you to him."

Dis was about to ask who Haraldur was but changed her mind, she decided to get her answers from Thorin himself.

Meanwhile, Gloin has left Thorin's side as he goes in search of his own family and Thorin decides to meet his sister halfway down the path. He goes to put Haraldur down but the little Dwarfling clings tighter to Thorin. Thorin smiles and rubs his back.

"Would you like me to carry you to meet your aunt, little one?"

"Aye, Adad, please do not put me down."

"As you wish, little one."

Thorin makes his way down the path with Haraldur hiding his head in Thorin's shoulder. He reaches Dis who has a frown on her face as she reaches Thorin, but the frown fades away when she sees the little Dwarfling clinging to Thorin. Her eyebrows raise in surprise.

"Thorin, who do you have there?"

"Sister, this is your new nephew, Haraldur."

Dis' eyes widen in shock, "Thorin, is there something you need to tell me, how is it possible you have a son?"

Thorin chuckles, "It is not what you think, Sister, we found him as we were traveling, and I have decided to adopt him," Thorin then pats the Dwarfling on the backside, "Come, my son, show yourself to your aunt and say hello."

The little boy raises his head from Thorin's shoulder, and looks at Dis. He notices that she has a black beard like Thorin though not as thick with jewels weaved into it. Long black hair, like Thorin, though it is braided and pinned up and most importantly she has the same striking blues eyes as Thorin. Haraldur instantly feels comfortable around her, he gives her a great bug smile.

"Hello, Aunt Dis."

Dis instantly falls in love with the little Dwarfling. She is mesmorized by his great big green eyes. Smiling at the little Dwarfling she holds her arms out to see if he'll come to her. Haraldur looks at Thorin, who discreetly nods, the little boy smiles and leans over towards Dis. She takes him in her arms and cuddles him to her.

"Hello, Haraldur, my are you not the most handsome little Dwarfling."

Haraldur smile turns into a grin and he blushes, "Thank you Aunt Dis."

"And so polite."

"He's also magical." Kili says proudly.

"Magical, is that true, little one?"

Haraldur, shyly nods his head.

"Show her what you can do, Haraldur," Fili says

Haraldur pulls out his wand and utters an incantation, "Orchideous!"

And flowers appear at the end of his wand, he takes them and hands them to Dis, "For you, Aunt Dis."

Dis' eyes widen at the sight, "You are a wizard, Haraldur," Dis asks.

Haraldur's chest puffs out with pride, "Aye, Aunt Dis, I am."

"That is amazing, I never thought I would ever see a Dwarf Wizard. Thorin where did you find this little miracle?"

"I will tell you everything in due time, sister, but for now let us go inside and get you settle. And let me be the first to say to you, Welcome back to Erebor.

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