Chapter 13 The Escape and the Bargeman

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Bilbo was leading the way to the cellars with the Dwarves complaining the whole way.

"I don't believe it we're in the cellars!" Kili complains.

"You're suppose to lead us out not further in." Bofur tells Bilbo.

"I know what I'm doing, this way, this way!"

Bilbo led them to a bunch of barrels stacked on top of each other he tells them to get into the barrels.

"Are you mad? They'll find us." Dwalin tells Bilbo.

"No, no they won't I promise you, please, please you must trust me."

All eyes turn to Thorin.

He looks at Bilbo, "Do as he says." With that Thorin and the Company climb into the barrels.

"What do we do now?"

"Hold your breath," Bilbo is about to pull the lever when Thorin stops him.

"Wait what about Haraldur?"

"I'll go get him, you all go on ahead." With that Bilbo pulled the lever.

"No, wait how-" That was the last thing Bilbo heard as the Dwarves fell through the trap door.

Bilbo places the ring on his finger and makes his way towards the room where Haraldur is. He creeps silently through the corridors, checking around every corner for any Elves, but luck is on his side. Bilbo makes it to Haraldur's door without incident and notices that there are no guards. He tries the door but it's locked, Bilbo knocks very softly.

"Haraldur, Haraldur can you hear me, it's Bilbo."

Bilbo hears some scuttling about in the room then a tiny voice on the other side.

"Bilbo, Oh thank Merlin you found me."

"Thank who?"

"Nevermind, where are the others, Bilbo, did they escape?"

"Yes, I only came back to get you, now the door is locked can you open from the inside?" Bilbo asks.

"No, but I can unlock it, give me a minute." Haraldur changes back into his Dwarven clothes that had been laundered then  quietly whispers


The bedroom door unlocks, Haraldur steps outside the room but doesn't see Bilbo. He begins to panic, when he suddenly hears a voice behind him.

"It's alright, Haraldur I'm right here." Haraldur turns to see Bilbo remove a ring from his finger.

"Wicked." Haraldur says under his breath.

"Come on now, Lad, we must catch up with Thorin and the others."

Cautiously they sneak they're way back to the cellars. When they get there Haraldur looks around.

"Where is everyone?" Haraldur asks

"Down the trap door, now how to open it?" Bilbo wonders.

He takes Haraldur by the hand, they walk to the edge of the platform to see how it opens when suddenly they hear the Tauriel and the Elves coming. Bilbo begins to panic, he pushes Haraldur further behind him when the trap door opens and they fall through, landing in the cold water. They sputter to the surface amid cheers from the awaiting Company.

"Well done, Master Baggins, Thorin says to Bilbo as they try to help him into one of the barrels and begin passing Haraldur over until he reaches Thorin.

Thorin hugs the Dwarfling fiercely which Haraldur returns. "Are you alright, my boy, did they hurt you?"

"I'm fine, Thorin, they didn't hurt me, are you alright?" Haraldur asks.

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