Chapter 23 A Pledge of Loyalty

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Image By Marcianca

Tauriel looks at Thorin, surprised. She thought that Kili and her were being discreet, apparently they were wrong.

"I do not know what your mean, King Thorin."

"Oh, I believe you do, Tauriel, it has been reported to me that you and my nephew have been seen together. That you always sit very close to each other, that at one point Kili was seen holding your hand. I merely wish to know if these reports are true."

Tauriel sighs, there is no point in lying to the King, he already knew it was true and lying would only make it worse. She had no other choice but to confess.

"Yes, King Thorin, these reports you have been getting are true, Kili and I have grown very close."

Thorin nods, he stands up and paces the room his hands behind his back. Thorin turns back and faces Tauriel.

"Do you love Kili?"

"Yes, your majesty, I do, with all my heart."

Thorin hums in response and continues pacing.

"I am assuming that Kili will eventually ask if he can court you. This is something I can not allow to happen, at least not yet. I must discuss this with Kili's mother, though in the end it is my decision, I would still like to have my sister's opinion. Also how do I know you will remain faithful to him and to my people?"

Tauriel immediately drops down and kneels in front of Thorin. Thorin looks at her surprised.

"I, Tauriel, hereby pledge my sword and my loyalty to you, Thorin Oakenshield, Son of Thrain, Son of Thror, King Under the Mountain. I will give my life in the protection of this mountain and the people who reside within it. I also pledge to look after and protect Haraldur, son of Thorin, with my life if need be for all eternity."

Thorin looked at the Elf kneeling in front of him, he was pleased that she had pledged her loyalty to him without hesitation. He especially liked the fact that she added that she would protect his son for all eternity, Thorin placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I, Thorin, son of Thrain, Son of Thror, King Under the Mountain, accept your pledge of loyalty, you may rise."

Tauriel, stood placing her hand over her heart she bowed, "My King."

"Now that you have pledged your life to serve me and the House of Durin, I assign you to be Haraldur's guard and protector as well as his healer. You are to remain at his side no matter what. Even if I allow you and Kili to marry."

Tauriel nodded, without hesitation, she would have done it even if the king had not ordered her to. She loved Haraldur as if he was her own. Satisfied with her pledge, Thorin took his leave, he needed to go talk to Balin to see how things were going.

A few hours later, Thorin returned to his chambers to check on Haraldur, he almost started to panic when he saw that his son was not in his bed, then he heard soft giggling coming from the wash room. Smiling, Thorin entered the wash room, but his smile fell when he got a good look at Haraldur's back. He had never seen the boy's back before, Haraldur had always insisted that Gloin give him baths and now he could see why. Thorin closed his eyes as a tear ran down his cheek, but he decided not to make mention of the whip marks on Haraldur's back so not to upset the Dwarfling. After taking a few deep breaths, he plastered a smile on his face and cleared his throat. Tauriel having already hear the king enter the room was not at all surprised to see him there. Haraldur gasped and tried to hide himself in the water to cover his scars.

Thorin chuckles, "I see someone is enjoying his bath, I shall have to have Bofur make you some toys for you once things are settled." Thorin comments, completely ignoring Haraldur reaction.

Haraldur, seeing Thorin's reaction, completely relaxes, "Aye, Adad, I am enjoying my bath very much, I felt like I was caked in mud."

"Good, Tauriel, when you have finished bathing him, if you could get him dressed for dinner, we have some guests that have traveled a long way to see him. We shall be dining in here, you are of course invited." Thorin informs Tauriel.

"Thank you, your majesty, I shall have him dressed shortly."

With a nod, Thorin leave the wash room and goes to his room to bathe and get dressed to receive their guests. Once he is ready, he goes to Haraldur and informs Tauriel that he will watch Haraldur while she goes to get ready, but a little problem arises.

"My King, I have no other clothes to change into."

That is not a problem, Thranduil was gracious enough to have your belongings brought to the mountain. It was the least he could do for his former captain and friend to his son. Tauriel was slightly suspicious of Thranduil's motives, but left it at that. She went to her chambers to bathe and change. She changed into a beautiful blue silk gown she braided her hair as usual and left the rest loose.

There was a knock at her door, when she went to open it, she was greeted by the sight of Balin, he gave her a friendly smile.

" King Thorin asked me to escort you to dinner.I'm sure I am not the Dwarf you wanted to see, Lass, but I hope I will do."

Tauriel smiled back, "Of course, Master Balin, I would be honored, lead the way.

When they entered the king's private dining room, Tauriel stopped short. For there leaning back in a setee was Haraldur sitting between two elves, one was a tall brunette in long robes and the other was also tall with golden hair. She instantly recognised them as Lord Elrond of Rivendell and Glorfindel  Lord of the House of the Golden Flower of Gondolin, they both smiled at her.

Glorfindel is the first to speak, "Ah, You must be Tauriel, I have it on good authority from a little Dwarfling that you wanted to meet me."

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