Chapter 6 Getting to Know the Elves

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After talking with Lord Elrond about Haraldur, Thorin made his way to the Company. His heart was heavy and his mind was full of turmoil. Thorin knew that leaving the Dwarfling was the right thing to, that didn't mean he was happy about it. The hard part would be explaining to Haraldur that it was in his best interest to stay behind. Though Haraldur was very bright for a Dwarfling his age, he was still just a Dwarfling and it was going to devestate him to be left behind.

When Thorin entered their little camp, he noticed that Haraldur was sitting next to Bofur, listening intently to the story that Bofur was telling. He went to sit between Balin and Dwalin, Balin gave him a curious look.

"What seems to be troubling you Thorin," Balin asks

Thorin's eyes flick to Haraldur when he hears the boy laughing, "I have made a decision, we will leave Haraldur here in Rivendell."

Balin looks toward the boy and nods, "I thought as much, this journey is no place for a Dwarfling."

"No, Thorin, you can't leave a Dwarfling alone with these tree huggers." Dwalin whisper yells

"Do you think I want to leave him here of all places, Dwalin? He simply can not continue with us, it is too dangerous."

"How do you know he will be treated well?" Dwalin asks

"I have Lord Elrond's word that he will be well taken care of."

"And what is the word of an Elf?" Dwalin spat.

"For now that is all we can go by, we must trust that they will keep their word." Thorin says.

"When will you tell the lad?" Balin asks.

"Not for a few days, Gandalf suggests that we let Harldur get used to being with the Elves before we tell him, so he does not feel like we abandoned him with complete strangers."

Balin was about to protest, but Thorin cut him off, "I know what you are going to say, Balin, Durin's Day is fast approaching, but what else can we do?"

Once Bofur is finished telling his story, everyone gets ready for bed. Haraldur has noticed that Thorin has returned so he gets his bedroll and places it in between Dwalin and Thorin. The little boy hugs Dwalin, who clumsily pats Haraldur on the back, then hugs Thorin, telling them both goodnight. He curls up on his bed roll, falling quickly to sleep.

The next morning Haraldur and the Company go back to the dining hall to have breakfast. They all sit down exactly where they sat the night before, only this time instead of green food the Company is served pastries with honey, fruits, of all sorts, and eggs, unfortunately there was still no meat to go along with it. As they were about to begin eating, Lindir appears next to Haraldur.

"Master Haraldur, Lord Elrond requests that you join him at his table with Mithrandir, Lord Balin and Lord Thorin."

Haraldur looks at Lindir with wide eyes, "Me? Alright I'll come along."

Haraldur stands up, taking Lindir's offered hand, he is led to their host's table. Once there he immediately goes to sit with Thorin, but Gandalf motioned him to sit with him, closer to Lord Elrond. Haraldur looks at Thorin, who nods his head. Haraldur shyly goes to sit with Gandalf. Lord Elrond smiles at the young Dwarfling.

"We have not been properly introduced, I am Lord Elrond, and you are?"

Haraldur shyly responds, "I am Haraldur." He says in a near whisper, but Lord Elrond heard him anyway.

"Son of whom?"

Haraldur looked at Lord Elrond with a sad look, he glances at Thorin, then gets this determined look on his face.

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