Chapter 24 Master Healer

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Haraldur giggles at the look on Tauriel's face as she stares at Lord Glorfindel with the look of awe upon her face. She never thought that she would actually meet this Elf and at that moment she was at a loss for words. Lord Glorfindel gives her an encouraging smile causing her to break from her stupor, shaking her head she finally answers him.

"Yes, my lord, I have always wanted to meet you. I have always wanted to meet the High Elf of Gondolin. You, who dueled and killed a Balrog though dying yourself in the process, then returning to Middle Earth on the Valar's behest."

Glorfindel smiled, "It would seem you know quite a bit about me, young lady."

"Yes, My Lord, I find you to be inspirational."

"Thank you, My Lady, you are too kind." Glorfindel says with a bow.

"Though I must ask, what brings you and Lord Elrond to Erebor?"

"We have heard what had befallen our little friend, here, and have decided to aid in his recovery." Lord Elrond informs Tauriel.

Haraldur's eyes widen, he tries to sit up but groans at the pain he causes himself, Thorin is instantly at his side trying to ease him back into a more comfortable position.

"Do not strain yourself, My Son, you will only injure yourself further." Thorin tells him.

"Aye, Adad, I will be more careful." Haraldur tells his father.

Thorin pats Haraldur's head and smiles at him, he turns towards the Elves with a serious look on his face.

"You can truly heal my boy from his injuries, Thranduil could not."

Lord Elrond gives Thorin a benevolent smile, "King Thranduil is not as well versed in the art of healing as I am, King Thorin. I will be able to speed up Haraldur's healing, if not heal him all together."

Thorin gives a slight bow towards the Elves, giving them permission to take a look at Haraldur. Lord Glorfindel walks over to Haraldur and gently lifts him into his arms.

"Come, Little One, let us take you to your room where you may lie more comfortably."

Tauriel shows them the way to Haraldur's room and the two Elves follow her along with Thorin and Balin. Lord Elrond carefully unwraps Haraldur's ribs and begins to feel along his sides. His brow furrows as he continues his examination. Once he is finished he looks up at an anxious looking King Under the Mountain.

"Can you help him?"

"Fortunately the breaks are clean and they are not protruding, so there is no risk of any of his organs being punctured. It may take me several hours to heal him but I am sure my Elven magic can heal Haraldur completely."

Haraldur nearly cheered but caught himself at the last minute and held perfectly still. A thought suddenly occurred to him and he gasped, all of the adults were immediately at his side.

"What is it, Little One, is something wrong?" Glorfindel asks.

"No, I was wondering if it's going to hurt." Haraldur tells them.

Lord Elrond smiles reassuringly, "No, Haraldur, it will not hurt at all, we will give you a sleeping draught to make sure you feel nothing.

Thorin nods, "Will you be needing anything?"

"No, King Thorin, only time, if you will leave to my work. Perhaps Tauriel can accompany me and learn this type of healing."

Thorin nods in agreement he walks over to Haraldur and kisses his head, "Be brave, my son, and do exactly what Lord Elrond and Tauriel tell you to do."

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