Chapter 4 On the Run

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After giving the Dwarfling a reassuring hug Thorin had Bofur watch over Haraldur while Thorin went to go talk with Gandalf.

"Where did you go to if I may ask?" Thorin asks Gandalf

"To look ahead."

"What brought you back?"

"Looking behind, and also finding Haraldur alone in camp."

"Nasty business, still you're all in one piece."

"No thank to your burglar."

"He had the nouse to play for time, none of the rest of you thought of that and with the Haraldur's magic everything turned out very smoothly."

Thorin huffed at that statement, "He could have been injured by those trolls."

"But he wasn't, he actually did quite well, the boy is very powerful for his age."

"How old do you suppose he is anyway?" Thorin asks

"He couldn't be older than twenty if that, we will have to ask him. In the meantime we need to look for the Troll's cave."

Thorin and the others set off in search of the Trolls' cave, when they found it they went inside finding that they had hordes of gold and all sort of other things including Elven swords. Gandalf and Thorin each took a sword, as they were leaving Gandalf found a dagger that could pass as a sword for the little Hobbit. Seeing this Thorin also looked around to see if he could find one for Haraldur, he really didn't like the fact that he was armed only with a wand. The boy needed to have something more, Thorin knew that if Haraldur lost that wand he would be completely defenseless.

Thorin too was able to find an Elvish sword the right size for Haraldur and took it with him. When they left the cave after Gloin, Bofur and Nori made their 'deposit' Gandalf gave the little sword to Bilbo, and Thorin went in search of Haraldur. He found the boy, showing his magic to the rest of the company, conjuring simple spells such as a levatation charm and transfiguring rocks into arrows for Kili. Thorin walks up to Haraldur and takes the boy aside.

"Haraldur, I have something for you."

"What is it Thorin?" Haraldur asks.

"I have an Elven short sword for you."

"Thank you Thorin, but I don't know how to use a sword, well I've used one once, but that was a while ago, besides I have my wand."

"I know you do, but you can not always depend on one weapon, what if you lose it, or it is taken from you? It is best to be trained to use a variety of weapons, I will teach you to use a sword, and so will Dwalin." Thorin says strapping the sword to Haraldur's waist, "Fili, give Haraldur a dagger you think he can handle."

Fili walks over and hands Thorin a dagger small enough for Haraldur to handle, Thorin places it on Haraldur's belt.

"Fili will teach you how to use the dagger."

Haraldur nods, "Thank you, Thorin." He says while hugging the Dwarf's leg. The boy then scurries off to show Bilbo.

He arrives next to Bilbo as Gandalf is explaining that the Elvish sword glows blue when Orcs are near.

"I see that Thorin also managed to find you a sword, Haraldur, yours will also glow blue when Orc are near." Gandalf says.

Just then Thorin shouted that something was coming, but it only turned out to be the ecsentric Wizard Radagast the Brown. While he and Gandalf were talking, Haraldur looks over and smiles at Bilbo, but notices the uncomfortable and disgusted look on the Hobbit's face.

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