Chapter 19 War Is Upon Them

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"Oh, come now Lord Dain." Gandalf says to Dain

"Gandalf the Grey" Dain says as Gandalf gives a slight bow to him, "Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!"

"There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men, and Elves. A legion of Orcs march on the mountain, stand your army down." Gandalf tells Dain.

"I will not stand down before any Elf. Not least this faithless Woodland Sprite, he wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then." With that Dain wields around and heads back towards his army.

"Dain! Oi." Gandalf yells out frustrated.

"Let them advance, see how far they get." Thranduil threatens.

"Ya think I give a dead dog for your threats, you pointy-eared princess?! Ya hear that lads, we're on. Let's give these bastards a good hammering."

"Stand your men down," Thranduil tells Bard, "I'll deal with Ironfoot and his rabble." Bard does as Thranduil tells him.

While that's going on Thorin is trying to figure out a way to get down there as quickly as possible. Haraldur was now awake after all the commontion going on outside. He gets up from Dwalin's bedroll to find out what exactly is going on.

"We need to get out there, you heard what Gandalf said a legion of Orcs march on this mountain. We need to stop Dain and Thranduil's foolishness and prepare against the real enemy." Thorin tells Bilbo and the Company.

"But how are we going to get out, Uncle, we fortified the gate too well."FIli asks Thorin.

By this time Haraldur has come to stand next to Dwalin listening to what Thorin was saying. He reached up, grabbing Dwalin's hand he began to pull on it. Dwalin looked down at the Dwarfling.

"What is it, Lad?" Dwalin asks.

That caught Thorin's attention, he watched as Dwalin kneels down to Haraldur's level to talk to his son. A wave of jealousy runs through him, though he knows he has no right to be jealous.

"I can break the…" Haraldur trails off when he notices Thorin staring at him.

He pulls Dwalin closer, "I can break the gate down." Haraldur whispers in Dwalin's ear.

"How?" Dwalin whispers back.

"Magic, silly."

Dwalin chuckles, then he looks at Thorin, still kneeling in front of Haraldur, he informs Thorin, "The lad says that he can break the gate down using his magic."

Thorin thinks about for a few seconds then nods, "That is a wonderful idea, my boy, let us do that."

Thorin goes to pick up Haraldur out of habit, but the Dwarfling runs away towards Gloin. Gloin picks him up and carries him to the front gate, giving Thorin a sympathic look. Once they get there, Gloin sets Haraldur down. Haraldur pulls out his wand, pointing his wand at the gate, Haraldur utters the incantation.

"Bombarda Maxima!"

There is a spectacular explosion and the gate comes crumbling down. The Dwarves cheer and each ruffle Haraldur's hair, but when Thorin comes over to praise him and ruffle his hair, Haraldur flinches away from him. Thorin's hand falls to his side, he gives Haraldur a sad smile.

"Good job, my boy." Haraldur doesn't answer him, he only nods.

They are about to rush out when something occurs to Thorin, "Dwalin, follow me, and bring Haraldur."

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