Chapter 2 The Ride To Bree

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Gandalf looked at the boy surprised, how could someone so young know that he's a wizard. Gandalf squats down to eye level with Haraldur.

"How do you know I'm a wizard, little one" Haraldur shuffles his feet then looks at Gandalf.

"I can feel your magic, Mr. Gandalf." Thorin and the Dwarves look at each other surprised, Thorin kneels down next to Haraldur.

"How can you feel his magic, Little One?" Harry hides his head in Thorin's hair and mumbles his answer into his neck.

"What did you say, Haraldur?" Gandalf asks.

"I can feel your magic, because I'm a wizard too." There was a collective gasp from the entire group.

Haraldur didn't know why he was telling them this, he knew that they would now consider him a freak. But for some unknown reason he trusted Gandalf, perhaps it was because he sort of resmembled Dumbledore.

Gandalf raised an eyebrow at Haraldur, "You're a wizard, little one, will you show me your magic?"

Haraldur nods, pulling away from Thorin, he reaches into his robes and pulls out his wand.

"Lumos." he utters

The tip of his wand lights up, Gandalf was impressed. "Can you do anymore magic?

Haraldur looked around to see if the Dwarves were mad that he did magic. When he saw that they were only curious, Haraldur smiles and nods his head. Haraldur points his wand at the fire.

"Aguamenti." Harry says as a stream of water shoots out of his wand, putting out the campfire. The Dwarves all groan, but then Haraldur utters another spell.


Fire streams from the end of Haraldur's wand, lights the campfire again even though the wood was wet. Haraldur looks at Gandalf, who has a huge smile on his face.

"Will you show me another one?" Gandalf asks

"No, it is getting late, time for Haraldur to go to sleep," Thorin tells Gandalf, "He can show you more of his power tomorrow."

Thorin reaches down and picks up Haraldur, turned and walked back to his bedroll. As he walks away, Haraldur looks at Thorin with a sad look on his face.

"Are you mad at me?" Haraldur whispers so softly, Thorin almost missed it.

"No, little one, why would I be angry with you?" Thorin asks as he sets the boy down on his bed roll.

Haraldur can't look at Thorin, "Because I did magic."

Thorin kneels down in front of Haraldur and raises his chin so he would look at him. "No little one, I am not angry that you can do magic, it came as a surprise. It is a wonderous thing what you can do, do not be ashamed of it."

Haraldur looks at Thorin and smiles, then throws himself into Thorin's arms, hugging him tightly. As much as he liked everyone else, Haraldur liked and trusted Thorin the most. Thorin laid the boy down, covered him with a blanket and tucked him in, once he was tucked in Haraldur fell instantly asleep. Thorin took off his coat and laid it out next to Haraldur, once he was settled on the coat the little boy rolled over in his sleep and hugged Thorin. Thorin stiffened, he wasn't expecting that the boy would show so much trust in him. After a while Thorin relaxed, wrapped an arm around the boy and fell asleep.

The next day, Thorin woke up before everyone else, as usual, he found Haraldur half way lying on top of him. A sweet smile graced Thorin's lips, he carefully placed Haraldur back on the bedroll and got up. Thorin walked through the camp quietly waking his Company and Bilbo, Gandalf was already awake. Bombur immediately started to make breakfast when Thorin came over to him.

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