Chapter 20 The Battle On Ravenhill

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Haraldur runs as fast as his little wolf cub legs can carry him. He dodges between Orc, Dwarves and Elves. Avoids being stepped on by Trolls, still he keeps running. He sees Wargs attacking and ripping apart battle rams and their riders. Blood splatters everywhere, dead bodies piling up, still he keeps running. He stops under an outcropping hidden from view long enough to transform back, taking out his wand he casts the Point Me charm.

"Point me to Thorin."

Haraldur' wand spins then settles on the same direction he is running, he puts his wand away turns back into a wolf and takes off toward Ravenhill. It takes Haraldur a lot longer to get to the top of Ravenhill than he thought it would, by the time he gets there, Thorin is already fighting with the other forces from Dol Guldor. Haraldur transforms back to his human form just in time to see Azog has captured Fili.

**This one dies first, then the brother. Then I will capture the little brat that dared tortured me and skin him alive in front you, Oakenshield, then you will die last.**

With that Azog stabs Fili through the back, letting him fall to his death.

**Here ends your filthy bloodline!**

But, what no one saw except for Kili was Haraldur in the distance.

"Arresto Momentum!"

Haraldur utters pointing his wand at Fili, slowing his descent. Haraldur runs over to Fili to see if he survived the wound, miraculously he did, but he is bleeding profusely. Haraldur uses the diffindo charm to cut a piece of cloth from his coat to put pressure onto Fili's wound to slow down the bleeding. Kili shows up almost completely hysterical.

"Can you help him, Haraldur?" Kili asks desperately.

"I don't know any healing spells." Haraldur tells him, then he remembers one that he has only ever heard once.

"Wait, I may know one, but I don't know if it will work."

"Try it, anything please!" Kili begs.

Haraldur takes a deep breath, he points his wand at the wound.

"Vulnera Sanentur." Haraldur begins to chant.

He repeats it three times, to Haraldur's great surprise the bleeding begins to slow, the wound also begins to heal, by the time Haraldur finishes chanting, the wound has knitted itself closed. Fili though remains unconscious, Kili angrily and recklessly gets up to go after Azog and Bolg, but Haraldur stops him.

"You can not go after Azog and Bolg, Kili, Fili needs you now. You must stay with him and take care of him." Haraldur reasons with Kili.

Kili reluctantly agrees, putting off his need for vengence for the sake of his brother. At that moment Tauriel shows up with Legolas. Tauriel rushes forward to envelope Kili in a hug.

"You are alive A'maelamin, thank the Valar that no harm has come to you!"

She gives Kili a swift kiss on the lips, not even giving Kili a chance to return it, Legolas looks away, saddened.

Kili touches his lips, "What does A'maelamin mean?"

"It means my beloved, but we shall have time to talk about this later for now we must tend to your brother."

Tauriel goes to examine his wound and see that it is healed over, she turns to look at Haraldur surprised.

"You did this, Little Wizard?"

"Yes, it is the only healing incantation I know and it is the first time I have used it, I did not think it was going to work." Haraldur explains.

"You did a wonderful job, but I think we still need to get him to the healers, Legolas will you help me carry him?"

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