Chapter 17 Haraldur Flees To Dale

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Haraldur goes running down the hall, he can hear Thorin screaming for him, but he does not stop. He's afraid that if Thorin catches him, he'll beat him or worse kill him. Haraldur has tears streaming down his face as he runs, the tears sting him as they run into the open cuts on his face and lip. He continues to run when collides  with something solid.

"Hey, my boy, what's the matter? Fili asks Haraldur.

Haraldur does not bother to raise his head, "Nothing is wrong, Fili  I just need to get away that's all."

"Get away from what, and why are you crying?" Fili picks him up and gasps at the sight of Haraldur's face, What happened to you?!"

"Thorin hit me." Haraldur whispers. "But it's alright I've been hit a lot worse than this." Haraldur says as he looks up at Fili.

Fili winces, he had never seen anything so horrible, The boy's eye was black and swollen shut, he had a deep gash across his cheek where Thorin's rings dug into his flesh, his nose is still bleeding and his lip is swollen and also bleeding. The front of Haraldur's tunic was covered in blood.

"He's gone too far, it's one thing to yell and threaten us, but it's something entirely different to hit an innocent Dwarfling. I hope he is never crowned king, let's get you to Oin, Little One."

Fili carries Haraldur to where the others are, at the front gate. They all turn when they hear him coming and let out a collective gasp when they see Haraldur clinging to Fili. When they reach the others, Gloin snatches Haraldur out of Fili's arms.

"By my beard! Lad, who did this to you?" Gloin asks as he cuddles the little boy to him.

"Thorin did, Gloin." Fili informs the Company, "He has truly gone mad if he felt the need to lay his hands on Haraldur."

"No, I don't believe it, Thorin would never harm Haraldur." Dwalin says.

Fili takes Haraldur from Gloin and shoves him in Dwalin's face, "Look at him Dwalin! Do you think this Dwarfling caused these injuries himself, do not those cuts on his face look like the shape of Thorin's rings?! What else could have caused that black eye, if not a fist, face it, Dwalin, THORIN HIT HARALDUR!

Dwalin looks at the boy, tears welling up in the older Dwarf's eyes, "I'm sorry, Lad, I should have been there to protect you from him. I honestly thought he would not harm you, he loves you so." Dwalin says as he slumps to the floor.

Haraldur get down out of Fili's arms, he walks up to Dwalin and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's alright Dwalin, you didn't know Thorin would hit me, I shouldn't have yelled at him."

"Do not make excuses for him, Lad, what he did was wrong in so many different ways, and he broke his promise to you that he would never harm you." Gloin says as he begins to lead the little boy over to Oin.

Haraldur chuckles, making his head hurt. " He's been breaking a lot of promises lately." Haraldur says as he goes to sit in front of Oin who very carefully examines his face.

"Well your nose is definitely broken, but it doesn't seem disjointed, did you set your own nose, Lad."

"Yes, I was angry enough to pull it straight again, I didn't even feel any pain." Haraldur informs Oin.

Oin pulls out some ointments and a flask with some liquid in it to wash Haraldur's wounds and eye, it is a cooling sensation that relieves some of the pain of his lip and eye, next Oin was going to give Haraldur a sleeping draught but Haraldur refuses.

"I can't take it, Oin, I must leave this place."

All the Dwarves and Bilbo are on their feet protesting.

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