Chapter 27 Family Bonding

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Thorin takes Haraldur from Dis, then offers his arm to his sister. She takes it and they walk together up to the royal halls where Thorin has gotten Dis' suite prepared for her. Fili and Kili follow along after their mother and uncle, listening to Thorin explain all the improvements that have been made since they had arrived. A great deal of it having been done by Haraldur's magic.

Dis was amazed at all that was accomplished using Haraldur's magic, but she was worried that the little Dwarfling was working himself too hard. As they walked towards her Royal Suites she asked Thorin that very question.

"Thorin do you not think that Haraldur is working too hard for a Dwarfling his age?"

"I agree with you, Dis, Haraldur has been working far too hard, but it was what he wanted to do until the arrival of the Dwarves from Ered Luin. He has actually been anxiously waiting for Gimli to arrive, Gloin has told him so much about his son, that Haraldur cannot wait to meet him. Is that not right, my son?"

"Aye, Aunt Dis, I can not wait to meet Gimli, I only hope he likes me," Haraldur says shyly.

Dis smiles at the Dwarfling in Thorin's arms, "Of course he will like you, Nephew, from what I can gather you are a wonderful lad. You and Gimli should become great friends."

"Thank you, Aunt Dis."

"You are welcome, Nephew. Thorin, I suggest we arrange a meeting between Haraldur and Gimli."

"That is an excellent idea, Dis, but I think we should wait at least a week so that Gloin could have time with his son. Is that alright with you, Haraldur?"

"Aye, Adad, I am sure that Gimli would rather spend time with his Adad since he has not seen him in a long time."

With that settled, Dis wanted to hear more about the things that Haraldur had done with his magic. Haraldur happily chattered away about everything he had done so far. When they get to Dis' suite Thorin and the boys leave her so that she can freshen up and rest.

"We will tell you more about our journey tonight at dinner, Dis, for now, rest well," Thorin said as he kisses his sister on the cheek.

The boys then, hug and kiss their mother, Haraldur stands there and shyly looks at Dis.

"May I hug and kiss you too, Aunt Dis?" The little Dwarfling asks.

Dis kneels down in front of him, "I would like that very much, Haraldur."

Dis holds her arms out and Haraldur rushes into them. He hugs her tightly and sighs.

"I've never had a nice Aunt before," He mumbles, but Dis hears him.

She looks up at Thorin concerned, but Thorin shakes his head and mouths the word "Later." Dis nods and kisses Haraldur's head.

Haraldur giggles and kisses her cheek, he wiggles out of her hold and runs towards Thorin taking his hand. They start to leave but he turns and waves to Dis.

"See you at dinner, Aunt Dis!"

Dis blows him a kiss and he blushes, Dis laughs and stands up. She can't wait to learn more about her new nephew. She has a feeling there is a long story there.

As the Thorin and the boys start walking back towards Thorin's rooms, Thorin clears his throat. Both Fili and Kili look at him.


"Fili, I want you to make sure that the kitchens prepare your mother's favorite dishes and desserts, and that there is plenty of ale served tonight."

"Aye, Uncle." Fili then leaves the group and heads on down to the kitchen.

"Kili, I want you to speak to your One. Have Tauriel dress in her finest gown and have her meet us for dinner. Tonight we tell your mother everything."

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