Chapter 29 Meeting A New Friend

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And so it went for a week Haraldur studied with Dis and Tauriel every day. As soon as he was able to read and write in Khuzdul and the Common Tongue well enough he was allowed to move on to Sindarin. Haraldur progresses quickly in that as well.

When the week was up, Thorin made arrangements with Gloin to get their boys together. They both decided that they should all have lunch together in Thorin's private dining room so that the two Dwarflings wouldn't feel overwhelmed.  Also that day the entire company was to be in attendance along with Dis and Tauriel.

But the day before the meeting Gloin sat Gimli down and told him a little bit about Haraldur.

"Alright, my lad, I want you not to be surprised or upset if Haraldur is a little shy around you at first. He has had a hard life for someone so young."

"Really, Adad?"

"Aye, he has. He did not have his Amad or Adad when he was a babe and was treated quite poorly by his kin. When Thorin found him he was very badly injured."

Gimli gasped, "That's awful, Adad, what happened to his Amad and Adad?"

"From what we could gather they were killed by orcs. The lad will not talk about it so do not ask."

"Alright, Adad."

Gloin ruffled Gimli's hair, "Good lad."

Gimli was quiet for a while deep in thought. He thought how horrible it would be to grow up without his parents and felt bad for Haraldur. He decided right then and there that no matter what he was going to be friends with Haraldur.

Gimli then got up and ran to his room. He came back with his favorite wooden ax. Gloin looked at his son puzzled.

"I want to give Haraldur a present, my ax," Gimli explained.

Gloin smiled proudly at his son, "That is a grand idea, my lad, but Haraldur is much smaller than you and I think a sword would be better."

Gimli let out a relieved sigh then ran back to his room to grab his best sword. He hardly used it anyway, preferring to play with is ax and be like his father. He ran back to show Gloin.

"How about this, Adad?"

"Aye, lad, this would be perfect. Thorin has been teaching him more the sword anyway."

Gimli beamed up at his father, he couldn't wait for the next day to meet his new friend.

At noon the next day, Gloin, Garuva, and Gimli made their way down the Royal Halls. Gimli was dressed in his finest clothes, Garuva had scoured the poor boy from head to toe then combed and braided his hair in a simple fashion. She was positive that the boys would hit it off and it would be silly to give Gimli formal braids if they were going to go off and play.

Gimli was so excited to meet Haraldur. Gloin had told him a little more about his new friend. Gimli was already in awe of him and maybe just a wee bit envious that Haraldur got to go on the Journey. But then Gimli reasoned that the Company had to take Haraldur since he had no kin to take care of him.

While Gimli babbled on to Gloin about all the things he wanted to teach his new friend, Haraldur was a nervous wreck.

"What is he does not like me," Haraldur questioned as he stood letting Dis dress him.       

"Do not be silly, my beloved nephew, of course, Gimli will like you. You are very likable," She tells him and she pokes his belly making him giggle, "Just relax and be yourself."

Haraldur nods, "Alright, Aunt Dis," Haraldur takes a deep breath, "I can do this."

Thorin was standing in the doorway listening, he smiles and walks into the room, "That is my Brave boy everything we'll be fine, you will see. Now it is almost time for our guests to arrive."

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