Chapter 5 Their Stay In Rivendell

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Bilbo, Haraldur, and the Dwarves look over the expanse of the valley. Haraldur got closer to the edge of the cliff so he could get a better look at into the valley, but Balin grabbed his hand before he could topple over.

"Careful, Lad, we don't want you to take a tumble."

Gandalf goes on to explain that this is the last homely house east of the sea, whatever that meant, Haraldur did not understand.

Thorin was not pleased to be there, he confronts Gandalf, "This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy."

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield, the only ill will to be found in this valley is that what you bring yourself." Gandalf tells Thorin.

"You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing, they will try to stop us. And what of Haraldur, what will they do when they find out he is a wizard?"

Haraldur turns to listen when he hears his name, but he wasn't too worried. What could a bunch of house elves do to him?

The conversation between Gandalf and Thorin continues.

"Of course they will try to stop us, but we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact and respect and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me."

Haraldur giggled when he heard Gandalf say that to Thorin, Thorin's head whipped around and he gave a playful glare at the boy, Thorin's mouth quirking into a half smile.

They made their way into the valley, with Gloin carrying Haraldur this time, they were all afraid the little Dwarfling would take a misstep and would hurt himself. He was still getting used to the boots.

They finally reached Rivendell, the boy's head swiveled about staring at all the wonders of the Elves home, he was shocked that Elves could create such a beautiful place, doubt began to enter him. Maybe these Elves were not the same Elves he was used to. He got his answer when they reached the court yard and he saw an Elf descend to speak with Gandalf.

'Yep these are definitely not house Elves.' Haraldur thought.

While Gandalf talked to the dark haired Elf, Haraldur struggled to get down, instead Gloin hoisted him higher so he could get a better look around. Just then a horn blew and the Elves come riding in. Thorin begins shouting at the Dwarves to close ranks, Gloin placing Haraldur in the middle with Bilbo.

The Elves circle the Dwarves, frightening Haraldur, who pulls out his wand, ready for any type of attack. An Elf gets off his horse and, Haraldur can only assume, greets Gandalf calling him by a strange name. Then they begin speaking in a strange language.

"What language are they speaking?" Haraldur asks Bilbo as he reaches out to hold the Hobbit's hand.

"They are speaking in Elvish." Bilbo explains.

Haraldur listens intently, trying to see if he can pick up what they are saying. Suddenly he gets an idea, he cast a spell on himself that lets him understand Elvish. So he is able to understand Gandalf's conversation, with the Elf, he has come to learn, named Lord Elrond. But they switch back to the Common Tongue.

Lord Elrond turns toward the Dwarves as Thorin steps forward

"Welcome,Thorin, son of Thrain."

"I do not believe we have met."

"You have your grandfather's bearing, I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain.""

"Indeed, he made no mention of you." Thorin says scornfully.

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