Chapter 30 Friendship and Love.

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The dwarflings ate quickly and were now sitting in patiently waiting for the adults to finish. Thorin looks up from his conversation with Balin and smiled, it was nice to see his son acting like any other child. He looked over at Gloin who nodded.

"Alright, you two are excused from the table."

The Dwarflings immediately bolted for the door.

"What do you say," Garuva called out.

"Thank you!" They said in Unison.

Haraldur and Gimli ran towards his room slamming the door open, Gimli clutched his new toy to his chest.

"Show me how it works," Gimli said as he throws himself on the floor with the Hippogriff in front of him.

"It's simple really whatever you want it to do it will do but you have to show the Hippogriff the proper respect first. Watch."

Haraldur bows to the Hippogriff, suddenly the Hippogriff's eyes blink. It looks up at Haraldur and bows in return. Haraldur smiles then looks at Gimli who's mouth is hanging open.

"Hippogriffs are prideful creatures," Haraldur explains.

"Just like Dwarves," Gimli says causing Haraldur to agree.

"You try."

Gimli stands and bows before the Hippogriff. It cocks its head to the side then bows its head. Gimli looks at Haraldur.

"Now what?"

"Now tell it whatever you want."


The Hippogriff begins to walk, Gimli smiles.


The Hippogriff trots around the room

Gimli thinks for a moment then smiles.


The Hippogriff takes off at a gallop the flies off into the air. Both boys begin to laugh at the sight. The Hippogriff lands and looks at Gimli expectantly.


The Hippogriff turns back into a regular toy. Gimli turns to Haraldur.

"That was amazing if we had more we could have a battle."

"I'll make more maybe some other kinds of beasts. But we need objects that I can change like wood or…"


"That would work."

The boys leave Haraldur's room, they notice that the adults are now in the sitting room having tea and dessert. They sneak into the dining room and notice that it hasn't been cleared yet. Grinning at each other, Haraldur pulls out his wand.

"Windgardium Leviosa."

Several plates, bowls, and goblets lift off the table. With the flick of his wrist, the dishes begin to follow them. The Dwarflings sneak past the adults go back into Haraldur's room and shut the door.

"What are you going to make?" Gimli asks.

Haraldur thinks for a moment when an idea comes to him. First, he starts off with a white horse with a horn on its forehead. Then another creature that looks like it's half man half horse. Then a black winged skeletal horse. He then creates a beautiful bird with red and yellow feathers and a wolf that stands on its hind legs. And finally, something that Gimli is familiar with, a dragon.

 And finally, something that Gimli is familiar with, a dragon

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